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It had been two days since Peony had become sick and Cinder still didn't know where she was going to go. She hadn't gone to school, but was still working at her shop. She had looked everywhere, but Cinder couldn't afford anything, not even the most crappy, sketchy places imaginable.

The bell to her shop door rang and in walked a familiar face. "Thorne?" Cinder called in slight surprise. She hadn't seen Thorne in a while, not since he decided to open up his own guitar store, Rampion. She hadn't heard much about it except that it had only just opened.

Thorne was like an older brother to Cinder, and though they didn't see much of each other anymore, he was still one of Cinder's closest friends.

"Hey Cinder!" Thorne replied. Thorne was 4 years older than Cinder but wasn't going to college. His parents wanted him to go to some prestigious rich military academy, but Thorne had never really been into that. He had even admitted to Cinder that he had always just wanted to open up a music store.

"So what can I help you with today?" Cinder asked. Thorne looked at her and smiled. Cinder frowned. This couldn't be good.

"I have a proposal for you," Thorne explained, "I have just recently opened up Rampion and I need someone who can do repairs. I need you to come and work for me. You're the best person in the Commonwealth at fixing string instruments and I want to bring you on for repairs. What do you say?"

That had not been what she was expecting. Cinder work for Thorne? Sure, he was her friend, but he was also a real putz and a pain in the butt to be around. But maybe this was her ticket to a new life. She could go and work at the Rampion and start her life over. This was her chance, and she needed to take it. "Sure Thorne, I'll come and work for you."

The shock on his face was evident. Clearly he hadn't been expecting her to agree so quickly and eagerly. "Er, are you okay Cinder? I thought that it would take a lot of convincing but you're being very agreeable. What's going on?" Thorne inquired.

Cinder didn't know what to say. Should she tell him the truth? That Peony had letumosis and was going to die? That she was being kicked out of her home to fend for herself? Could she come up with a reasonable lie? No. This was Thorne, and no matter what a jerk he was, he was still her friend, and friends don't lie.

"Peony has letumosis," Cinder whispered, "And Adri is kicking me out. I have until tomorrow to find a place but I don't know what to do!"

Cinder was losing her cool and feeling a little hysterical and knew that Thorne could sense it. He looked at her with so much concern and Cinder knew that he was just as shocked as she was. "Aces, that's pretty rough Cinder. You're what, 16? She can't just kick you out like that!"

"She can, Thorne, and she will and I don't have a clue what I'm going to do!" Cinder whisper yelled, putting her face in her hands. She felt somewhat comforted that she could share this with someone who was on her side. Someone she trusted. Stars, Thorne was basically her big brother. Sure, he was a royal pain who teased her more than she liked, but he was also always on her side.

"You know, Cinder," Thorne said hesitantly, "The Rampion has a sort of extra garage of sorts that I don't use. It's not very big or anything, but if you want, you could stay there until you find your own place." Thorne looked at her determinedly and gave her his cocky smile.

"Really?" Cinder questioned, not sure that she had heard him right, "You'll help me?"

"What are friends for?" Thorne questioned jokingly, "And besides, you'll be able to have all of your weird work stuff there and you'll be right next to the shop!"

Cinder punched Thorne, but chuckled all the same. It felt nice to have someone care for her. It was nice to have a friend she could trust. It was nice to have something good happen for the first time in a long time.

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