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Thorne was growing impatient for the stupid Doctor to get his torture over with. Sure, it was great fun just sitting there waiting for something terrible to happen (like dying) but Thorne had things to do.

Being so busy with his own success, Thorne hardly had time for a day full of grueling torture. That torture being complete boredom. The least the backstabbing jerk could do was turn on a light, or get some febreeze to mask the smell of wet dog. Thorne hoped this guy never decided to try hotel business.

It had to have been at least a few hours since Scarlet had been tossed into Thorne's cell, though neither of them had spoken much. Maybe it was the thought of imminent death, or the fact that Scarlet seemed to be taking a nap. Thorne would never know.

The silence of the room was something that Thorne didn't like. He hated silence. He hated everything it meant, everything that it had been during his childhood.

Growing up, Thorne had been raised by the perfect parents to be the perfect child. Too bad they got him, seeing how he always screwed up there plans. They never wasted any time telling him that.

Being from a pristine family, Thorne's parents spent all their time on emails, or social networks. What was family when you were a successful military leader? Or your own fashion line? Why would they care about their own flesh and blood when there was another call to be answered, another distraction from their disappointment.

So, Thorne had learned to fill the silence. He told jokes that everyone hated. He talked during tests, making him number one on every nerd's hit list. He had played and listened to music during his every waking moment. He had to constantly fill the void, or else he didn't know if he would ever be able to escape. It scared him.

Thorne had never had a good family. He had wished time and time again that he could start his life over and be born to someone that loved him. It had been a stab in the heart every time he saw his friend getting hugged by their mother. They would always become embarrassed and say how much they hated it, even though Thorne would do anything to receive that kind of affection.

Sometimes Thorne had wondered if he was even capable of actually loving another human being. In school he had never gotten along with anyone, and all of his friends had been fake. He hadn't even known what it was to love another person.

Thorne had only ever met one other person who understood him on all of these matters. Cinder. She had never had a good homelife, though she never told him about it. Some people you could just tell. She hated the silence, right along with him and constantly filling it with music. She hardly had anyone who she loved. They connected in ways neither of them would ever admit. She was the first true family Thorne had ever had, he loved her as though she were his own sister.

Glancing over at Scarlet, Thorne sighed. She was the second sister that Thorne had ever gotten, and she was most definitely asleep, with little snores whispering through the air. He was glad that she was finally getting some rest after her traumatizing ordeal. She had suffered in a cruel way that no one ever deserved to suffer. Thorne had already vowed to file a complaint against Ze've Kesley to UPS about the poor "shipping" quality, and then personally murder him with the help of Cinder.

The silence was becoming overwhelming, so Thorne began to sing to himself. He had never been a star singer, prefering to play an instrument instead, but he had to listen to something other than his thoughts.

Hello darkness, my old friend

I've come to talk with you again

Because a vision softly creeping

Left its seeds while I was sleeping

And the vision that was planted in my brain

Still remains

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