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Even though it was ten at night, the Police station was still open. Of course, there were disasters at every time of the day, so it made sense. The small group got out of the car, walking to glass doors inscribed with the Police symbol.

Cinder went through first, walking to the front desk, the others trailing in slowly behind her. There was a young women there, looking agitated and mean, and not in the least bit welcoming. Cinder stood there for a second, waiting politely for the lady to look at her, and for her friends to catch up.

After a few moments, Cinder cleared her throat, putting her hand on the desk. The lady looked up menacingly. "Um..." Cinder trailed off, unsure what to say. Are you even allowed to just randomly request the head of Police? "I would like to request an audience with Officer Clay." Cinder said, putting as much confidence into her words as she could muster. When in doubt, just sound confident.

The lady looked at her as if she were poop on her shoe, making Cinder feel agitated. "Which one?" asked the rude woman. Cinder crinkled her face in confusion, but only for a second, before melting her expression back into neutral.

"Officer Garrison Clay." Cinder said, trying her best to stay polite.

"Do you mean Chief Clay?" The woman asked, rolling her eyes at Cinder. Cinder was baffled as to why this lady seemed to dislike her so much. Maybe she'd had a rough day or something of the sort.

"Yes," Kai said, moving to stand next to Cinder at just that moment, taking her other hand. Cinder felt agitated, glaring at the counter. She didn't need Kai to save her from this woman.

The lady looked at Kai, sat up straight and put on a brilliant smile. Cinder felt a little upset as she watched the woman go from being completely rude to her, to a friendly beam of sunshine at seeing Kai. But it wasn't his fault that he had that effect on people though.

"We're here to talk with Chief Clay on the matters of Michelle Benoit. I take it that he can help us find what we are looking for." Kai said in his most diplomatic voice his mouth set in a firm line. He squeezed Cinder's hand, and that's when she realized that he was holding her right hand, because she had her left hand on the desk. Her burned one... without her glove.

Cinder blushed with shame and moved her hand off of the desk. She should have worn her gloves. She had been too caught up in the event of Scarlet's grandmother to grab her gloves, and now her mutated hand was on display for all of them to see.

It wasn't as if burns were contagious. People generally had two reactions to seeing her burns. Sympathy, or disgust, and this woman was clearly disgusted by the fact that Cinder had the audacity to parade her deformity to the public.

Staring at the ground, Cinder tuned out the conversation between Kai and the desk lady. Her face was burning and she let go of Kai's hand. He shouldn't have to be seen with someone like her. Someone who was below him in every aspect of the world. She would only bring him down, crashing and burning in the flames that had mutilated her. What had she thought bringing him with them? It was humiliating for him to be seen with her.

After a few moments, the lady stood up and left, smiling at Kai as she went. Kai frowned and looked at Cinder. She continued to look at the ground as she walked towards the waiting chairs where Thorne sat, and seated herself next to him.

Kai sat across from Cinder, and she could feel his gaze on her like fire, trying to analyze her. Scarlet paced the floor, seeming more anxious to talk to the officer than she had been to Dr. Darnel. Cinder inhaled deeply, bringing her thoughts back to what mattered: saving Scarlet's grandmother.

She tried to think of what their next move would be. It all depended on what Chief Clay said, and the information he was allowed to provide them with. Maybe he wouldn't even talk to them and send them away empty handed.

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