Black Hole

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Cinder hummed to herself as she picked at her guitar. It was only her at the unusually messy shop, and Cinder was beginning to wonder where all of her friends were, though she was quite fine with being alone.

Every time Cinder thought about what she had said to Kai, her heart ached. The look in his eyes, his sad smile, the slump to his shoulders. It tore her to pieces. She had thought that maybe she wouldn't feel it after the night before with Winter. But she had, and it hurt.

It wasn't Kai's fault at all that he wanted to help her, and Cinder wasn't even truly mad at him, but she could not let him get hurt, no matter what it cost her. She could not let the innocent, sweet boy with the brilliant copper eyes get hurt because of her.

Everyone that Cinder loved seemed to be getting hurt in one way or another. Her parents were dead. Her cousin thought she was dead and seemed to have gone crazy over it. Peony was dead. Scarlet's Grandmother had been kidnapped. Thorne had even been dragged into the mess, but Cinder would not let anything happen to him. Not over her dead body.

Cinder was not going to let those broken blue eyes hurt Kai. She would do anything to protect him.

The song came to the bridge as Cinder picked. The song was, "Fast Car," by Tracy Chapman. It was one of her favorites, though it was a rather sad song. It reminded her of her life. Bad home life, hope, loss of hope. The song spoke to her in ways that nothing else could. No one could make her feel the way that music made her feel. Except one person, and he probably hated her now.

Dropping the guitar into its case, Cinder got up and grabbed her phone. She dialed Thorne's number, but he didn't answer. That was uncharacteristic.

She called Iko next.

No answer.



Cinder almost called Kai, but decided against it. He would not want to hear from her. He had probably already gotten over it and was with some other girl. He would forget her, just like everyone seemed to forget her. To leave her behind. Just like her mother, her father, and Peony had.

It was no one's fault but Cinder's that they forgot her. Maybe if she tried harder, or simply didn't push everyone away, but somehow, everyone always feel alone at times, even if they know it's their own doing.

Cinder sighed and set her phone down, just as someone called her. She eagerly picked up the phone, but was disappointed to see that the caller ID was from none other than Cress. She debated on whether or not she wanted to talk to her, but ended up going for it. She needed to talk to someone.

"Hello?" Cinder said to her phone, and heard a breathless Cress on the other end.

"Cinder, is Kai with you?" Cress asked, an urgency in her voice that shocked Cinder.

"Um, no. Why?" Cinder questioned, unsure why Cress would ask that. She had Kai's number in the first place, seeing how they were childhood best friends. Why didn't she just call him?

Cress sighed in relief. "Good. Is anyone else there with you?" Cress inquired.

This made Cinder pause. Why was Cress asking if Cinder was alone? It was rather odd, and kind of creepy.

"No, I'm alone." Cinder said, biting her lip.

"Okay, good. Are you going to see anyone today?" Cress asked, and Cinder was now suspicious of what was going on. It felt like more of an interrogation than a friendly phone call.

"Cress, what the heck is going on?" Cinder challenged, determined not to answer anything else until she got some answers.

"I need you to answer my question, Cinder. Is anyone expected to be with you? Any friends like Kai, or Thorne, or anyone really." Cress demanded, and Cinder could tell that she wasn't going to get any answers soon.

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