Lamb to the Slaughter

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Scarlet stared at the abandoned Luna Hospital in horror. It was still perfectly intact, but something about it made you think that ghosts inhabited it. They had taken the bus there, seeing how Scarlet's car was at her grandmother's, and she didn't dare borrow Thorne's convertible.

Wolf was twitching with nervous energy beside her, making Scarlet slightly jumpy. He had hardly talked to her on the way over, mainly replying with grunts to her questions. She was about ready to hit him, but had decided against it due to the fact that he was trying to help her.

They stood there for a minute, before Wolf nodded towards the building, as if to say, "lets get this over with,". Scarlet only grimaced and mad the first step forward. She was scared as heck to go into that building, but she would do anything for her Grandmother. Even be ripped to shreds by mutant wolf men.

The two of them trudged to the door, Wolf slumping his shoulders, but Scarlet holding herself tall and proud. Though Wolf was acting like a dog that had just been kicked, he had a protective air about him that made Scarlet feel almost safe.

Scarlet shuddered as Wolf opened the doors, and was surprised to find that the doors were unlocked. Weren't evil layers supposed to have crazy security?

No. Of course they wouldn't. They had dozens, maybe even hundreds of wolf mutants inside. That was all the protection that they needed.

Once inside, Scarlet felt yet another stab of shock at how pristine the entryway looked. It looked like an old, unused hospital. Just like it should.

Suddenly there was a noise, and the sound of footsteps reverberated behind them. Scarlet flinched and looked back to see a man standing behind them. Wolf snarled beside her, a frightening sound on its own. The man smirked, and a flash of fangs pronounced themselves to Scarlet.

Scarlet set her shoulders back and stood defiantly, making the man chuckle. Another man appeared behind him, though this one had a scowl on his face.

"Congrats, brother," spoke the first one, his voice almost melodic, though in a sick way. "I'm glad you were able to bring the prize."

The man behind him muttered, "and so the lamb comes to the slaughter."

The first man laughed, and took a step forward, and Scarlet took one back, before realizing her mistake. He crossed the remaining space to Scarlet and traced a long fingernail along her cheek. Scarlet wanted to scream, but held it in by gritting her teeth. Wolf tensed beside her, a low growl humming through his body.

"Ran," Wolf snarled at the first man.

The man, Ran, laughed, and withdrew his hand from Scarlet's cheek. "Sorry brother," Ran said, "I forgot how much you liked this one. We'll try to be careful," Ran chuckled darkly, before snapping his fingers. "But I make no promises."

Suddenly, the man behind Ran jumped forward and grasped Scarlet by the wrists before she could even blink. She screamed, and called out for Wolf, but the man had her in too tight of a grip.

"WOLF!" Scarlet yelled at the top of her voice. "Wolf, help! WOLF!" Scarlet screamed over and over again. He didn't even look at her, his eyes trained on the floor, as she was dragged away.

Scarlet let out a dry sob as she was dragged down the stairs of the hospital, and discovered where the wolves resided. The place was scratched from top to bottom and had a prominent male stink lingering over it. She gagged, and fought harder to get away from the man holding her, but it wouldn't do. He was an immovable.

"You can struggle all you want, Red," Ran said, "but Wynn's got guns for days. There's no way in the stars you're gonna get away. Might as well quit now."

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