Friend or Foe

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Wolf could hear the bickering of the two humans from a mile away. Not only did he have specialized hearing that allowed him to, but they were terribly loud in their arguing. Probably two stupid teenagers doing a dare, not knowing the real dangers of the place.

The pain in Wolf's side was only a dull throb after the searing pain it had started as. The poison within the dart simulated the pain of a real bullet, and after being shot Wolf did not fancy going through the experience again.

The particular dart that Wolf had encountered was a nasty invention of Dmitri Erland, who was quite possibly the most despicable human being alive. The dart not only simulated pain and made you cough blood, but it also was a sleeping narcotic.

An annoyed girl seemed to be telling off another boy when Wolf heard the clicking of the door handle to his cell. He sat up, praying that somehow these two kids would sense the danger and flee. There was no such luck.

There was the boy shushing the girl, telling her to step back, and then the shot of a gun. Either these were some crazy teenagers, or the police had finally come.

A whisper was shared between the pair, and then a man entered the room, both gun and flashlight pointing. It took less than a second for the man to spot Wolf through the dim beam of light. It took even less for the man to command Wolf's hands into the air.

Hands rising past his face, Wolf watched as a girl with bright blue hair and dark skin entered the room. She seemed vaguely familiar, though Wolf could not place from where he knew her. Was she a friend or foe? Had he hurt or helped her? There were so many possibilities as to where he had met this girl.

"Who are you?" The officer asked, his voice low and authoritative.

"Ze've Kesley."

The girl gasped, and she stared as Wolf in amazement. "Kinney, I know this guy," She whispered, stepping closer to Wolf. "He's a friend of Scar's."

"Step back, Blue." Barked the Officer. " We don't know this guy or his motives. He could have been playing your friend." Kinney growled.

Naturally, this man would assume the worst of a creature like Wolf. Too bad that the worst was actually the truth. He had played Scarlet, and now she and all of her friends were about to be killed. He truly was the monster that everyone believed him to be.

"Why are you locked up in this cell?" Kinney asked, still pointing his gun at Wolf.

"I attempted to release a prisoner." Wolf muttered, not daring to say her name. He didn't know if he could. The two words seeming to be an ice pick within his chest.

At his words, however, Kinney stared at him in bemusement. "You released a prisoner? Who was it?"

Wolf shook his head, almost laughing. "I attempted to release a prisoner, sir. I didn't actually get the chance."

"And why is that?" The officer questioned.

"My brother shot me." Wolf replied, not attempting to hide the bitter tone to his voice. "And then they brought me here."

A slight pause, and then, "Do you know where they are?"


"Can you take us to them?" Kinney asked, his voice finally losing the authority and sounding desperate.

Wolf wondered what this guy had to lose. He was just an officer, and while it must be hard to have people die everyday, he couldn't see why he was so invested in the cause. Everyone had a backstory though.

Glancing between the pair, Wolf nodded vigorously. He would do absolutely anything to save Scarlet from the mess he'd brought her into. "I can-"

A low growl interrupted Wolf's adamant speech. The pair spun around, the officer trying to grab the girl and pull her away, but he was too slow.

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