Chapter 8

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A/n - Playing God - Paramore.

--Dan's P.O.V--

My hands shaking, I folded, unfolded and re-folded the small square of card in my grip. 

Dr. Greene

36 Guild Street, London, NW4 9HT

Call me for a helping hand on the step to recovery. Change your life for the better.

070 8050 8208

I took one last wavering breath, letting my eyes drift up to the building in front of me, taking it all in. It was tall and grey, but not foreboding or intimidating. It felt almost... hospital-like, but in the best way possible. Maybe it was just the pills killing my anxiety, but I wasn't at all apprehensive.

I pressed the doorbell, shifting awkwardly on my feet. After a moment, a middle-aged woman in a peach-coloured dress appeared at the door, smiling slightly when she saw me. 

'Hello, how may I help you?' she asked gently, taking her hand off her hip, where it had previously been placed.

'I- I- um, D-Dr. Greene said-d I should -err- he gave me a... a...'

'Here for Dr. Greene, sweetheart?' she stepped back, indicating for me to come inside. I gladly slipped into the warmth of the room, nodding. 'Just up here. What's your name, sugar? I'll need you to sign for your appointment you booked.'

I stiffened. 'I- I- There was no- I didn't know I had-d to-' The woman just laughed. 

'Don't worry, he does this all the time, giving random people business cards, telling them to stop by. I'm Karen, by the way, his wife. I'll just go check, say a young lad with brown curls is here to see him, that alright?' I nodded again, feeling a weight lift off my shoulders. 

'Th-thank you.'

She flitted up the stairs, calling out when she got to the top, 'Honey? Lad with brown curls is here, says you told him to stop by?' 

A muffled voice came from behind the door she was calling through. 'Okai, thank you Love, be right down.'

Karen trod carefully back down the steps, smiling warmly before walking into another room. Soon enough, Dr. Greene was stood before me.

'Hello, so, what was your name again?' He asked politely.


'Jim,' he extended his hand, taking mine and shaking them. 

'So how have you been recently?' He began leading me back upstairs, into a professional looking room with two chairs in front of a desk, and one behind it. We sat down, and began talking.

--Phil's P.O.V--

I focused my attention on the book in front of me, lost in the story, when someone slumped next to me. The way they sat down implied they were having a bad day.

I looked up, seeing a worn out looking woman hunched over her phone. Her long blond hair fell over her face, but I swore I knew her from somewhere.

Oh! Superdrug, down the road! (A/n Superdrug is a British health and beauty store)

She worked there, right? I looked at the uniform she was wearing, and yeah, she definitely did.

'Hey, aren't you the guy that came in last week asking for cinnamon shampoo or something?' I jumped, barely having noticed that she'd been looking at me.

'Oh, err, yeah, hi again,' I mumbled awkwardly.

'We still don't have any cinnamon stuff, but we've got chamomile, or chocolate pudding, if you're feeling adventurous. Or weird. Smelt it, wouldn't go for it personally.'

I grinned. 'Chocolate pudding shampoo? Sounds exciting! Sign me up!'

'Woah, really? Well, I mean, if you're interested in buying an entire shop's stock of it, feel free, we've got to get rid of it somehow. The people that buy the stock were very wrong when they thought it would sell.'

Laughing, I looked up, and saw on the screen it was my stop in a minute. 'I've gotta go in a second, err...' I tried desperately to remember the name on her nametag. A moment later, she smiled and flashed the pin in my direction, '...Louise! Totally remembered that. I bet you don't remember my name, though!'

'Actually, I do. Phil, wasn't it?' She smirked.

'Damn. I should really stop telling my name to staff in shops, it comes back to bite me when they coincidentally sit next to me on the underground.'

We giggled again, and I quickly said, 'see you around!' before getting up and stepping off the now stationary train.

--The next day, Dan's P.O.V--

I stood up, I hadn't eaten yet today. I rested my laptop on the coffee table, and took the now empty mug into the kitchen.

After making myself some bacon and eggs and eating them quickly, I put my plate in the sink and soon resumed browsing Tumblr on the sofa.

A couple of hours later, I came across a blog that looked familiar. I clicked on it, and immediately I recognised everything about it. The crazy drawings, the animations, the weird there's-no-way-this-guy-isn't-stoned midnight posts that made no sense.


This is the blog of PJ Liguori.

A second later, I opened up a new tab, went onto my own profile, and skimmed over my username, profile picture, banner and recent posts, making sure there was nothing in any of those that gave away who I am (A/n Please say I'm not the only one who does this). When I'd done that, and changed a couple of things, I saved the updates and closed the tab, going back into PJ's profile. Now, I could like or comment on anything, and just seem like a casual Tumblr-er interested in photography, art, animation and shit-posts.

--PJ's P.O.V, 3 hours later--

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and looked at the many, many notifications I'd got whole my phone was off.

Procrastinationpro liked your photo
Procrastinationpro commented: cool art
Procrastinationpro liked your post
Procrastinationpro started following you
Procrastinationpro liked your photo
Procrastinationpro liked your video
Procrastinationpro liked your post
Procrastinationpro liked your post
... Click to expand.

Jesus Christ, what?

'Hey, someone's popular,' Chris teased over my shoulder.

'Yeah, with one person.'

'Looks like your art is 'cool'. Yeah look, it says 'cool art',' he tapped the screen, looking at more notifications, 'and look, 'what camera do you use?' Well aren't you just the photography master?'

I laughed lightly. 'I bet it's just some kid trying to look sophisticated or relateable on his Tumblr, but still, a Canon PowerShot.'

A/n IM SO SORRY I TOOK SO LONG TO UPDATE THIS. DONT HATE ME. And if you're reading this on Wattpad, you're lucky, this comes out on here first, if you're reading it on AO3 it'll have been even later for you, I'm sorry! My Social stuff if you want to follow me at all:
Wattpad: fizzgigtruffle
Tumblr: fizzgigtruffle or yoiterini
Instagram: yoiterini or crafting.phans
AO3: fandomworshipper
Okai, thanks for reading, and I'll see you soon! X (I hope) ~Author-Chan

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