Chapter 2

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A/n Are you guys liking this? Tell me what you think of it, cause I'm enjoying writing it, so you know. I'm quite proud of it so far, which doesn't happen often XD I might be atelophobic, who knows? Also, WTF IS THIS PICTURE IM DYING (above, not the video) Anyway, I'll continue the story <3 ~ Author-chan

--Dan's P.O.V--

Oh God, oh God, why did I do that? They must think I want to be their... friend.


I felt the familiar tendrils of fear wrap their slender selves around my thoughts, tighter and tighter, slowly suffocating them, only showing mercy for the thoughts of pain and terror.

More and more...




Choked sobs forced themselves out of my closing throat, pushing out the air.

It was getting harder and harder to breathe, it felt like my lungs were tightening, filling with water bit by bit. Every breath I tried to take got no further than my mouth, my chest locked in place, compressing my lungs.

I grabbed my notepad off the table, but it slipped out of my fingers as they shook. I scrambled for it, my tongue sticking to the roof of my mouth, moisture a long gone luxury. 

My head began to spin, and I stopped snatching for the notepad. I tried desperately to slow my breathing, but nothing was working.

I began to feel more and more faint. I tried to scream, but all that came out was a squeak.

I gagged, dizziness and nausea infiltrating my head.

Beads of sweat rolled down my forehead and onto my face, mixing with the tears.

Suddenly, I couldn't feel my arms. They just... they weren't there. I could see them, but they weren't under my control. They fell to my sides, limp and lifeless.

Then went my legs, into the same void of empty disembodiment. 

I felt cold and alone.

And, for the first time in two years, I wanted someone to help me.

'Help...' I choked out, trying to shout, but failing in miserable defeat, 'help me, please.'

My head was swimming, the world spinning like I was on a fairground ride...

'Chris... Pj...' a sudden faintness overwhelmed me, 'Ph-Phil...'

And then, from each side, like a curtain draped over my vision, everything went black.

--Phil's P.O.V--

I flopped down on my bed. Oh Lord, what had I gotten myself into... I wouldn't be able to help! I was useless...


The memory of what Dan had said filtered back into my head.

'...fear of not being good enough...'

'...a mental disorder...'

I squirmed at the thought of me having a mental disorder... 

What if I did though?

I pushed the thoughts to the back of my mind.

'Later, Phil, think about it another time,' I said quietly. I really didn't need this right now.

But... if I had this... I really wouldn't be good enough...

My thoughts were interrupted by... well, to be honest, I couldn't tell what the noise was. It sounded like... muffled... moans?

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