Chapter 1

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Naera Pov

"Are you sure?" i asked for concern. I really have a bad feeling about this plan.

"Yes! Just follow me" she said half whisper. If my father knows about this, I'll be dead by now.

"Sara! Gini! Wait for me!" i shouted half whisper. We were sneaking out from our dorm. Sara and Gini is my best friend. We always do everything together. Sara is from the wealth family and so as Gini. Sara's real name is Choi Sara. And Gini's is Yong Ginra. We called her Gini 'cause it's her nickname. I'm Kim Naera. I'm also from the wealth family. I have a brother. His name is Kim Hyungsik. He is working at our father's company as a CEO. Youngest CEO. He's a great brother!

"HEY! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!!" someone shouted made us shocked. BUSTED! My father is going to really kill me.

"What are we going to do Sara?" Gini asked. She was about to cry? Her voice sounds shaky.

"I don't know" sounds scared.

We are sitting infront of the principle.

"I am very disappointed in you three" she does sounds disappointed.

"Well, i'm sorry mrs.Park but we were going to the toilet" Sara lied. The principle looked and stared at us one by one.

"The toilets aren't that far from your dorm Miss Sara" she said calmly but fierce.

"But..the dorm's toilet just have one..and...and..we need to go together!" she lied again. She stared deeply into her eyes. Sara the drama queen.

"I'm not going to buy it. I've called your parents. So, you can waited outside until your parents came. Understand?" we just nodded. "You can go now" she ordered. We stood up at once and walked out the door. We sat on the benches which have been prepared out side her office.

"I'm dead" i sighed.

"I'm sorry girls" Sara apologised.

"It's okay" i tried to make her feel better.

"No! It's not okay!!" Gini shouted. Her face is red. "My mother is going to kill me!! And it's all your fault! I shouldn't have followed you! No...i shouldn't have be friends with you!" she explained. Her tears stream down. I knew she didn't meant it all. She was just angry and sad. It was quiet for awhile. Then we heard heavy footsteps. Sounds like shoes in heels for men and high heels.
I lifted my head and saw my father, Sara's parents and Gini's Mother. They all looked..mad and..disappointed. my father didn't even looked at me. He just walked straight into the office without looking a glance at me. I sighed. Heavy sighed.

"I'm sorry for what have her done today Mrs.Park" my father apologised to the principle and we left. My father didn't even talked to me. Guess he is really upset. I just followed him behind without making any sounds. It has been 5 minutes my father didn't talk to me. He didn't even sighed. Soooo quiet. I decide that i'm going to said something.

"Dad, i'm...." he gave me a look don't-talk-to-me-yet! And i immediately shut my mouth. He sighed.

"Naera..I am really really really mad at you. I sent you to the dorm so you can take care of yourself. I also don't have to worried about you. I'm getting old Naera. I can't be with you all the time. I have to work for us. Your dead and i have to take care of you by yourself. I have promise to your mother that i will and i guess..i failed as a father. I can't fulfill her promised. After i got a call form your principle, i've been thinking to hired a bodyguard for you" my eyes widened.

"WHAT?! NO!!" i accidentally shouted.

"NAERA ENOUGH!" my father yelled. "I am serious this time." i crossed my arms against my chest and looked outside the window. "Mr.Tan, Drive me back to the office after send Naera home" my father ordered.

"Yes Sir" he obeyed. I sighed. This is going to be a long day.

I stomped my feet upstairs. I closed the door loudly. I threw myself on the bed. "Bodyguard?" i started to imagine that the bodyguard will followed me everywhere i go except the toilet and my room. That is embarrassing!!!!. I covered my face with my pillow. "No!!!!" i scream under the pillow. After 1 minutes later, i removed the pillow and sit up. "Maybe dad's just fooling around just to scare me. Dad's always says non sense when he is angry. He won't hire one! I'm sure he'll came and apologise when he realise what have he said to me. I know my dad very well. Do i?" i was startled when i heard a knock on my door. I stood up and walked towards the door. I opened and saw two maids standing infront of me. "Yes?" they looked at me

"Miss, Mr.Kim needs to see you down stairs" they informed.

"Why?" i thought he's at work?

"We don't know but we saw two handsome guy was talking to him" i frowned. Two handsome guy? Maybe just one of my friends? Or Dad friend's son

"Okay, I'll be there in a minute" they nodded and left. I closed the door and went in to change. Are they really handsome?.

I walked downstairs carefully trying not to make any sounds so i can listen to their conversation.

"Well, she isn't that hard to protect but i'm sure you'll can do it" that sounds like my father. Me? Hard to protect?!

"It's fine sir. We've been protecting more important people. I'm sure she'll be the easiest one." a not so deep voice said. What?! The easiest one?! I'll make it the hardest! I'll make you resigned and quit!!. He underestimated me and i'll make him think that he was wrong. I fasten my step and smiled at my father as he saw me.

"Hello, Dad" i said politely.

"Hi Naera" he greeted back. "gentlemen, this is my Daughter, Kim Naera" I turned and face them. Wearing black sunglasses make its hard for me to meet their eyes. On the left side is a bit short but a bit taller from me. Separated hair and shown his forehead. Blacked hair. Muscular shaped body. Cute chubby cheeks and fingers. On the right side is taller, separated hair too. Dark browned hair. Muscular shaped body too. Cute bunny teeth is shown when he is smiling. Not bad.

"Ehemm..." my dad clear his throat purposely. I looked at him and then to them. "Naera, This is Park Jimin" My dad pointed on the left one "And this is Jeon Jungkook" he pointed on the right side one. I bowed to them and they bowed back."So, You'll be started guarding tomorrow" my father said calmly. I controlled my shocked. Is he serious?! Fine. I'll make you resigned before the end of the week. I promised!

"Okay sir" they obeyed.

"Naera, You can go have dinner while i'll be discuss with them about the rules and duties. Okay?" i nodded and make my way to the dining room. Well, Mr. Jimin and Jungkook, beware!


Sorry for the wrong spelling or broken english guys.. The reporter ff will be re-write if you guys want to read it ;))))

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