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Percy having good day, hell it was the first day he actually decided to not do anything and just relax. He had finished the armor modifications, the fields he was farming were growing well and good and Percy knew he did a good job growing them, how you ask? Simple the plants told him.

But back to Percy, he had finished training with the pyrokinetics Ares gave him, which ranged to setting things on fire to setting himself on fire, and so Percy felt he deserved a break. A rest from training and so on.

And when he laid on the beach just taking in the heat he felt like he earned it. His body was sore, but the good kind. He could feel his muscles sigh in relief and also felt the trisckle medallion he wore at all times heat up from the suns heat.

He wished this could last forever, but nooo a ship full of blood thirsty crusaders had to land on this island on this day and just had to ruin Percy's day off!

Percy now hidden in the trees watched as the people from the boat all sailed ashore. Most of them were crusaders judging by their armor. The first group went into the forest and started scouting around, luckily Percy was well hidden.

And just when Percy thought the day couldn't get worse, it did.

"Melive! Melive!," shouted a paladin as he came running through the forest to the paladin waiting by the boat, the same one who first landed and proclaimed the island there's, not if Percy had anything to say about it.

"What is it Foren? What has you so excited? " asked Melive.

"You have to see what we found! It is simply amazing!" Replied Foren as both paladins walked towards the direction of the village.

Percy hated this. He remembered everything he read about paladins and none were good. They were killers and if Percy was to guess he would say these guys just came back from a crusade on Jerusalem. And that meant they were killers. Percy didn't know which crusade they came from hell he had no idea what the year was, but did not like the fact that they found out about his home.

Percy followed the group unseen until they reached to stone village.

"It is beautiful Foren! Magnificent! Perfect for us!" Exclaimed Melive as he and Foren looked around the town, and Percy followed via rooftop.

"Melive, Foren," cried a new voice. This one sounded young and he was the only one with his helmet of. The young man had sandy blonde hair and brown eyes he ran to his fellow paladins gasping for air, " you two will not believe what I found!"

"Lead on Marco," said Foren as the three paladins walked to the fields Percy was growing. They walked across the field admiring them.

Melive turned to his brothers in arms, "brothers this island is perfect, a true gift from god to his servants," Melive and the others bowed their heads in prayer and they took of their helmets. Melive had black hair and green eyes, but a sick green unlike Percy's. Foren on the other hand had blond hair and brown eyes like Marco, some would mistake them for brothers.

"Marco," said Melive after their prayer, "go to the ship and bring everyone here, we will rest here and resupply. Then we take the infidels back to be trialed for their crimes."

Marco and the others split up and Percy snuck away to the forge. He ran through the hangar doors and immediately went to the forge.

"Hey Perk! What's got you all messed up? Ain't this your day off?" asked Kim who was inside the armor.

"No time to explain," Percy said as he got on his clothes. He put on his shirt and his druid coat and slung The Breaker armor as a bag on and gathered his stuff.

Percy Jackson || The Curse Of KronosWhere stories live. Discover now