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The walk to the basement of forge was a long one. Underneath the surface was a lot of pipes and tubes that quickly frankly looked like they might break at any second.

Percy walked carefully minding each step he took, smacking sure not to trip on something. He followed the pipe of Golion closely and soon he came to a dead end.

In front of him was a solid concrete wall that the pipe went into. Percy was pissed he tried felling around the wall and could not find anything the suggested a secret door.

Percy looked around and found a wrench near a pipe, he took it and the slowly chipped away at the wall. But no matter how hard he hit the wall, or tried to in his case, not a crack appeared on it.

"Oh from Hephaestus's sake!," yelled an angry Percy. He threw the wrench down and the bronze tool bounced on impact. But just as the ringing of the metal went down a new sound came, 'shrek!'

A giant blue light lit up in the shadows of the pipes and out of it jumped a bronze spider. It was as big as Percy's arm and its legs were long as daggers.

It jumped from the shadows and latched onto Percy's left arm holding it in place.

Percy grunted at the pain he felt when the spider squeezed his arm, "let go!" He yelled as he tried shaking it loose.

With his free right hand he willed Crescent Moon to from into a sword. The handle on his right forearm slid into his awaiting palm and the blade moved like water from its gauntlet form to its blade shape.

Percy tried picking the spider with the tip of his blade repeatedly but he couldn't get it off. Percy then rammed the spider bot along with his left arm into the solid concrete wall.

The spider let go and fell to the ground, but just as it was about to hit the ground it landed on its feet and jumped on Percy again. This time Percy swung Crescent Moon which took the form of a baseball bat and hit the spider right into the concrete wall.

The spider fell to the ground with a crack and the blue light from its eyes died down. Percy approached it slowly making sure to note any signs of it moving. Just as he thought he was in the clear the spiders eyes lit up again and it jumped. Percy on pure instinct kicked the thing into the wall once again.

After a minute the spider stopped moving and Percy was sure it was done now.

Percy inspected the strange thing it was in all sense of the word one tough son of a bitch. It had lasted long and for that it turned Percy's interest. Percy looked to the wall with was still unchanged. The mystery of the wall bugged Percy but he knew he could solve it eventually, for now there was another project in his mind.

Percy took the broken spider up and placed it on the work table. It looked old, very old, judging from the spider webs in it's machinary at least 200 years old. PErcy studied it wanting to know what powered it, because if it was powered by something that could keep it running for 200 years, maybe Percy could use it.

Percy first took of it's metal body and started to clean up the bents in it, the one which he made. After that he took apart the spider and found how it stoped. It seems when he kicked the spider the power cells were kicked loose. It was powered by a battery pack, he discovered, but the battery could hold a lot of energy, worth 200 years in fact. And where did that power come? You guessed it, the Golion.

The mysterious power sources bugged Percy more and more. It irritated him that because of it an entire island of people was now dead, and worse, zombies. It also seemed evade Percy's grasp which he just did not like. Huh, maybe he is more Hephaestus that way than he thought.

But back to the spider, there was something though that surprised Percy. It seemed that there was some internal damage to what looked like it's motherboard. And the motherboard was deep inside the spider, so Percy could not have damaged it.

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