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So, thanks for the read guys.

On with the chapter...


Percy didn't know who he was looking at, but he knew this person was powerful.

Her very presence sent fear into his heart. She embodied darkness, but Percy did not feel evil from her, but then why was he so afraid?

Percy held up Riptide in front of him and said, "And who exactly is your kid? This entire greek family of mine is messed up if you know what I'm saying."

The figure looked at Percy her shining white eyes brightened, she threw her head back and laughed, "HAHA! I like the way you think boy!"
her face smiled showing her teeth which glowed like the moon.

"My children are Hellhounds."

That stumped Percy, how could some one who looks like this, give birth to something that looked like.... that?

"Y-you are N-N-"

"Nyx, I am Nyx. Say with with some backbone child, I refuse to hear my name in such a pathetic voice or from a pathetic mouth." said Nyx with eyes narrowed in disgust.

"F-forgive me my Lady," replied Artemis bowing to Nyx on one knee.

Percy stared, shocked at what he was seeing.

Artemis, the goddess he had the most respect for, excluding Hestia, and the bravest, was kneeling and stammering in her words.

Percy looked at Nyx and gulped, "So you are a primordial? Of the night, right?" Nyx smiled at Percy and she walked towards him.

As she approached the fire place, her lower half disappeared into shadow allowing her to float and when she passed the wood she became whole again.

"That is right boy, so tell me..." she went close towards him and whispered in his ear, "Are you the one who killed my children?"

Percy was sweating internally, even though outside, he looked extremely calm. He had to say yes. Maybe if he did, she would allow Artemis to leave alive.

Gathering his courage he spoke, "Yes I am the one who killed them."

Nyx walked around in circles, eyeing him like prey. "Is this true little hunter," she asked staring into Percy's eyes.

Artemis could do nothing except look, her voice said in fear, "Y-yes my Lady."

The primordial of the night extended her finger and stroked Percy's chest, "Hmmm," she hummed seductively, "What to do with you? You see you just sent my favorite hellhound pup to Tartarus. You have been such a bad boy." she drew out the last world purring as she did.

"Well.... sorry?" said Percy, a little unnerved that a primordial was hitting on him.

And the fact that Artemis was right there made things a lot more awkward.

"Hmm. Maybe you could make it up to me," she stood behind him pressing herself against his back, stroking his right arm, "after all I only need a child from a child."

That made Percy move, he jumped away and turned to face Nyx "Woah! Lady no! No, no, no, no, no. No. I appreciate the offer but hell no!"

Nyx smiled again, she grabbed the front of Percy's jeans and pulled him forward, "Now boy, you listen to me. Why do you say no? Do you not like me?"

Percy blushed, "Ah no, it's not that you're pretty, you are it's just that ah.. I don't really want to be a hellhound's daddy. You don't even know my name."

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