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"Ah.... Lady Artemis, can you please not kill me?" asked Percy, not realizing he was speaking ancient greek.

His hands were in the air as he looked at the goddess.

Artemis looked at Percy closely as if observing something mythical, which is her case would be... well her.

She held the arrow still, "Who are you boy? And why do you call me Lady Artemis?"

"Well that is your name right?" asked a very confused Percy.

"I mean, you stupid boy, why do you call me 'Lady'. Why that title? Who are you?"

"Ah... it's me Lady Artemis, Percy? You know, that guy who held up the sky for you so that you can kick Atlas's ass? That guy?"

"What are you talking about boy? I have never held up the sky or even seen you in my life."

'Wait what? How can she not remember that? How can anyone not remember that? The only way that's possible is if.... Oh no,'

Percy then asked a question that he hoped was wrong to ask, "Lady Artemis, what is the year today?"

Artemis still held up her bow, but her hold on it eased up from the strange question, "This is the age of rebellion, boy, the gods and titan are currently fighting. How do you not know about this?"

'I am so screwed,' thought Percy, then he began thinking about everything he knew of this time period.

Zeus had released his fellow gods and the all were fighting against Kronos and the titans.

Zeus also in this time had Artemis and Apollo with Leto, Ares and Hephaestus with Hera while Hermes and Athena would be born only later in the battle.

"Look Lady Artemis, I know this seemed strange, but I ask that you listen to me, please?" asked Percy.

Artemis looked at this strange boy in front of her, his clothing and choice of colour intrigued her, also it was the first time a boy had ever given so much of respect.

'Is this a trick of some sort?' she asked herself, but she was curious about what this man had to offer.

She slowly put her bow down and nodded for him to continue.

Percy sighed in relief, he put his hands down and explained, "You see this all began when Kronos-"

The moment Kronos's name came out of his mouth Artemis jumped on his with her hunting knife drawn, she pushed Percy to the ground, her knife on his throat before he could blink.

"So you are Kronos's man are you?!" she dug the knife deeper into his throat drawing a thin line of blood.

"What?! NO! No, I hate that guy, he tried to kill me, like several times! Please I swear." Percy said aloud quickly hoping to keep his head. Artemis looked at him.

She came closer to Percy, their noses just inches apart, and she looked into his eyes.

Sea green met silver, and for a moment Percy felt his cheeks heat up.

Artemis slowly got up again, she sheathed her knife and held out an arm for Percy to grab.

After she pulled him up and dusted him of, Percy began his story.

"Alright, let's begin with the difficult part, you see I'm from... well I'm from the future." Percy said holding his breath, he looked at Artemis and she looked calm and not very surprised at this fact.

"Go on boy," she said after a moment of silence.

"Forgive me my lady, but why aren't you... well shocked?"

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