1.Bring It On Preppy Boy

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"Gia! Honey!" I heard my mom cry out. I flinched and blinked my eyes a few times trying to open them, what the hell happened? Once my eyes were fully open I finally figured it out. I FAINTED BECAUSE OF A HOT GUY. Those brown eyes looked back at me with a overlyconfident mood. He had black hair that stood up in a mohaky way (I guess you could say that!) and an amazing face structure. Just by looking at him I swear I thought he was like a god. A SEX GOD. My ovaries just exploded.  Woah there Gia! Keep it PG.

I gulped and stood up rubbing my forehead. I looked around and saw that everybody's eyes were on me. As if I would just faint all of a sudden again! I cursed myself mentally for making such a huge scene!

Well that was me!

"Sorry." I said to everyone frowning. I didn't mean to scare the shit out of everyone! 

"Its okay honey!" Some strange women said as she gave me a hug "I just hope your ok!" She smiled as she held my shoulders gently. She looked that boy, I guess she was his mother. She had soft auburn hair and a she looked like the type of mother that you would come to and find cookies on the table!

I was in the mood for cookies now......

I looked at her and smiled. It was nice feeling so cared about from a stranger!

"Thank you," I said sincerely "My name's Gia. Sorry about that little scene!" She let out a chuckle and shook her head.

"Its okay sweetie! My name's Amy Knight and thats Nicholas, my son!" She said pointing to the hot guy behind her. Nicholas....hot guy, hot name. Figures! He titled his head to the side and smirked as if he knew I was checking him out. I smirked back at him and slightly shook my head signaling to him  that he wasn't that hot to look at him. It seemed as if he got my message because he looked slightly surprised before rolling his eyes. Well here I was flirting with some guy that makes girls ovaries explode, and I just met him when I banged my head against the wooden floor. My mom came back in the kitchen and looked at me and almost dropped the plate of salad.

"GIA YOUR AWAKE! OMG HONEY ARE YOU OKAY!" She ran towards and started shaking me checking my eyes and checking out my arms and legs making sure that I wasn't hurt. I heard Nicholas chuckle. HIS CHUCKLE...omg. It gave me goosebumps everywhere. I backed away from my mom 

"I'm fine, god mom! Just was dizzy and all." I lied through my teeth. She patted my head and my eyes widened as I turned around so no one could see me turning red as a beet! My mother..took the award for being the most embrassement mother in the universe. She couldn't be cool..oh no! She had to be over dramatic. But I sorta loved that side of her!

"Well then we should head to the dining room!" My mom said all smiles.

"Acutally mom I kinda am not hungry anymore." I said. I wasn't in any mood to eat my head was killing me.

Well what do you expect Gia! You fell on the floor!

Oh shut up -_-.

"Mrs.Vanderwalt, I'm not hungry either. Could I just hang out with Gia?" Nicholas asked my mom. My eyes widened and I looked at him. HE WAS BRITISH! He had a freaking british accent! OMG MOM DON'T LEAVE ME ALONE WITH HIM. I MIGHT JUMP HIM! His voice was husky, yet it gave off a sexy vibe. Well why wouldn't it? HE WAS FUCKEN BRITISH. Great, the one thing that I always adored were British accents. Amy didn't seem British though...so? I guess he lived in England for a while...

"Sure! Just head upstairs to Gia's room!" I looked at my mom. IS SHE SERIOUSLY LEAVING ME ALONE WITH A HOT ASS BRITISH BOY! IN MY ROOM? Yeah mom, amazing parenting. Now don't get me wrong, I don't like this kid, I don't even know him. But being attracted to a person has nothing to do with feelings. You don't have to like a person to wanna jump on them! I nodded and made my way upstairs I could feel his eyes peircing my back. I opened my bedroom door and just after he entered, he spun me around and pressed me against the door with out chests touching and our faces an inch away. The door was now shut close because of our weight pressed against it. My breathing started to get heavy as I stared at his eyes. I tried to keep myself from getting lost in them.

"Gia, sexy name, but..darling it went wasted on a girl like you." He smirked as he stared up and down at me. I gasped and almost choked on the air. Yeah air -_-  But heres a thing about me. I hold my ground! I'm not like those prissy girls who complain about everything. I take a challenge head on. I pouted and leaned closer to him till our lips were brushing against one anothers. Shocks started running through me. God, I really wanted to kiss him. I shook my head and kept telling myself. HE'S AN ASS....Yeah, but a hot ass! I moved my lips to his ear and smirked to myself before whispering seductively. 

"Ouch. That hurt a little, but not as much as this will." I lifted my knee up and kicked him straight in his nuts as he kneeled over in pain groaning.

"AH! BITCH!" He cried out as his face went purple. I started laughing. He looked like a mushroom! 

"Honey, it didn't hurt that much. It's not like there was anything to kick at even. So small." I smirked as he gasped in surprise. "Hmm, I'm hungry now!" I walked out of my room and entered the dining room.

"Honey is everything ok upstairs I thought I heard someone crying?" I almost snorted. Poor Nicholas! 

"Nope eveyrthings fine!" I smiled as I sat down at the table and started eating. Before I knew it there was a limping Nicholas come down from the stairs fuming. You could literally see his veins popping out of his neck.

"Nick! What happened to you?" His mom cried out as she ran up to him. He looked at me and I could see the anger and hatred in his eyes. Oh well. I gave him a little wink and returned back to eating but not before I missed his face getting even redder in anger! I waited for him to rat out on me.

"Nothing I fell down the stairs on the way here." He said. I lived a nice life...wait WHAT!? He didn't rat out me out? Why? I looked back at him and raised my eyebrows. Um,wtf? Why was he protecting me? 

"Uhm I'll take Nicholas to the kitchen so I can get him a glass of water and calm him down!" His mom looked at me and smiled. 

"Aw! Your so sweet Gia. Take care of him ok?" I nodded.

"Yeah so sweet." I heard him growl. I made my way to the kitchen and filled a glass of water for him. I turned around and I saw him sitting on a chair just looking at me.


"You know this isn't the end of this?"

"End of what?" I said all confused/

"Your little stunt. I get revenge. I'm gonna make your life a living hell Gia. You just started a war. And I kill my oppenents." He took the glass out of my hand and made his way out of the kitchen. I just stood there scoffing.

Bring it on Preppy Boy.


I did not proofread this! So I am so sorry about all these little mistakes.



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I will love you forever <3 

And ever ;)

Song on the side >>>>





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