Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

School. That’s one word that defines hell. It’s a nightmare, but you don’t ever wake up. You need to get up everyday for a whole year to attend hell. You learn stuff you don’t care about, no one ever speaks to you, the meanest girls alive rules the school and there’s a bunch of sluts and players. The teachers are just evil and no one, ever, likes me. I’m always the outsider. The one that’s too shy and too stupid to fit in. The only place I actually do fit in is gym. I can outrun anyone, beat anyone at any game you make me play. That’s where I usually express my feelings, my anger. Sure, I may be exaggerating but let's just say it's not a fun place to be, for me at least.

I hurt a lot of people in the last years. Just by thinking of someone that I hate I can’t help myself but to get aggressive. If I’m playing soccer, I’ll just charge to the other side of the field with the ball and kick it as hard as I can. Baseball is pretty rough for anyone standing close to me. I lost so many baseballs that I lost count after 15.

When I play volleyball though, it’s like everything goes away. I’m just relaxed and I forget everything else. Volleyball makes me so happy. It’s weird, I know but it’s what helped me through my life.

“Come on sis hurry up we’re going to be late for the first day of school!” Lily screams excitedly, extending the 'o' in school.

I groan but get off my bed. I can’t just ignore the fact that I’m going. I walk over to my closet but before I can pick out what to wear Lily barges in again. “WAIT!” She screams at me again and runs in my closet and comes back out 20 seconds after. “You are wearing this.” She hands me the clothes she picked and quickly left the room before I could say anything.

I look at what she gave me. It was a dark skirt that was pretty short, with a white blouse. I groan in my head but still put it on; knowing Lily would force me anyways. I look at myself in the mirror. The skirt is too short of my liking and the blouse is to revealing. I don’t normally wear this kind of stuff. I was about to walk out of my room when I tripped on a pair of shoes, heels. Lily wants me to wear high heels for school?! Now that’s going way too far. I pick them up, walk to my closet, throw them in and pick some black flats that I love.

I go in the bathroom to do my hair. I brush them and add a few curls. Then I pick up the makeup Lily bought for me but I have no idea what to put on. I never put on makeup, never did. I never had the money to buy it anyways. But the real reason is that, well, I never felt pretty enough to put some on. Pretty much all girls you see at school, at the mall, anywhere really, they’re all so beautiful and prefect. Of course there’s the ones that overdo it, plastic surgery everywhere, hair extensions, they change they’re hair color every week, but still, it's just not fair.

Just when I was about to abandon, Lily comes in. “Want some help?” She asks me.

I slowly shake my head from side to side. “It's fine I can live without.”

“Aw come on! Please put some on, for meee?” She answers with a puppy face.

I roll my eyes. “Okay, fine but not too much.” I warn her.

“Okay well it’s simple. Look at me doing it.” She picks up the eyeliner an puts it on her eye, then she adds mascara and eye shadow. “I’ll do it for you today. You’ll try yourself tomorrow. Don’t worry if you don’t get it perfectly your first time, its all about practice.” She picks up the eyeliner again and works her magic.

When she’s done, I look at myself in the mirror and I'm pretty shocked. With the outfit, the hair and the makeup I look so different. A good different though. I look older. Hot. I blush a little and Lily giggles. She grabs my arm and leads me out and to the kitchen. I quickly get a bowl of cereal and sit down.

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