Chapter 47: Here we go!

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As Bill smashes the button the torture on (y/n) stops. The portal then stops sucking everything into it. Everything flashes white and then time feels like it stopped.

"W-whats going on?" Will says standing closer to Bill.

"Its done." Bill makes a happy smile.

(Y/n) drops to the ground as her shock torture is over.

"Ah! (Y/n)!" Will shouts as he runs over to help (y/n).

Bill then walks towards the portal, and swishes his hand on the portal.

"I did it...I can now find you. For all these years. We are gonna see each other again...Mill."

Just as Bill was about to do something.


In came Dipper and the gang. "Thats enough! We know what your up to and we're gonna stop you here and now!"

Dipper noticed (y/n) on the ground, unconscious. "(Y/n)!"

"Pinetree? How on earth did you get here?" Bill kept a straight face and grunted.

"Tracking (y/n)'s phone wasn't that hard for my uncle Ford and you weren't really that far." Dipper scoffed.

"Whatever, you think this is, its already been done. I won't have anyone stop me now.

"Not if I have anything to say about it." Ford pulled out his destabilizer gun.

"It all ends here, Bill"

"What? You think that little trinket is gonna stop me?" Bill ignored Ford and continued.

Ford then pointes the gun towards him and shoots.

Bill easily dodges but the shot bounces everywhere.

"Woah! Lookout dudes!" Soos says ducking.

The shot bounced everywhere, until it landed and hit Will. "AH!" As Will shouted and landed on the ground.

"O-oww! W-why!" Will said in pain.

Bill then sighed and used his dark power to lift Dipper and the others up.

"You're ruining everything!" Bill boomed as he turned red.

There he created a cage for the pines and their friends.

"There that should keep you in place Pinetree and your family too." Bill smirked.

"You'll never get away with this!" Dipper said kicking the cage.

"Dipper?" (Y/n) said finally awoken.

"(Y/n)! Don't worry! I'm going to get us out of here!" Dipper said continuing to kick the cage.

Hearing Bills chaotic laughter, he touched the portal, changing the portals linked dimension, as if it were a television.

Bill's eyes widen, there he saw his little sister Mill, sitting on the same white thrown where he left her.

Bill made a smile, as he was about to enter the portal, he was pulled away by the leg.

"You've tampered with time and space enough, Mr. Cipher."

"YEAH! WHAT HE SAID!" Out came Mabel with slender and masky.

"Mabel! Over here help!" Dipper yelled.

"Dipper! What are you doing here?!" Mabel ran over to help her family.

"Ugh, why are you all so persistent on keeping me away from her?!" Bill turned red once more and shot flames out from his hands.

Slender then dodged the attack and sent his tentacles to hold down Bill.

"Arrrggg!" Bill squirmed to get free but failed.

"Its over give up." Masky says holding up some mystery gem.

"Now its time to seal you away once and for all." Masky walked towards Bill.

"No, no! PLEASE! DON'T I HAVE TO WAKE HER!" Bill shouted.

The mystical gem glowed a deep red and it began to pull Bill into it.


Then out of nowhere, Bill used a forceful power that blew everyone and everything back.

Bill turned into a dark black color, the only thing that glowed was his deep yellow eyes. His eyepatch disappeared to reveal a black tsundra of smoke out of his right eye.

Bill begin to laugh manically.

"Oh god, whats happening?!" Dipper said as he was finally freed from the cage, thanks to his sister.

"Dipper! Let's get (y/n) and get out of here!" Mabel said becoming very worried.

Dipper nodded as he ran to (y/n), who was still in pain from early.

"(Y/n), hey! Come let me help you." Dipper picked up (y/n) bridal style and  carried her over to saftey.

"B U R N  Y O U  C R E T A N S!" Bill said demonically.

He then shot fire balls towards slender and masky.

Bill had finally lost it.

"B-Bill." (Y/n) said as she saw the crazed dream demon attacking fiercely.

"Don't worry (y/n), I'm going to get you out of here." Dipper held on tightly to her.

"No, D-Dipper! Please, we have to stop Bill. I-If he continues this rein of terror everyone is going to get hurt and worst Bill may loose himself forever."

Dipper gave (y/n) a worried expression. "I..I can't put you in that danger. I'm not gonna lose you twice (y/n)!"

(Y/n) blushed and gave Dipper a small smile. "I'm happy for your concern for me, Dipstick!"

"Thank you." Dipper gave (y/n) a small smile aswell. But knowing what he had to do. He looked at (y/n) and then at Bill. Dipper came up with a plan, he put (y/n) down in a corner.

"I'll be back, we're gonna have to distract him and close that portal." Dipper replied.

"Wait! We...we can't!" (Y/n) struggled pulling herself up.

"And why not?"

"Cause he may be untrustworthy, a liar and a danger to all humanity. But this time I don't think he's doing something evil."

"I don't follow..." Dipper sighed.

"Think about it, he hasn't tried anything else, but push us away from what he plans to do. At first I didn't trust him, but now I'm starting to really think he really does have a little sister he's trying to get to." (Y/n) gave Dipper a serious look.

'Ugh, why are you all so persistent on keeping me away from her?!' As Dipper remembered what Bill was saying.

"You may be right (y/n). But we have to calm him down first and really see what lies beyond that portal."

"Don't worry! You go get Ford, I'll distract him." (Y/n) then slowly walked towards the crazed demon shooting fireballs.

"What! Hey! No!" Dipper grabbed (y/n)'s hand. Its too dangerous!"

"Nothing's dangerous in Gravity Falls!" (Y/n) smiled and hugged Dipper.

(I'm back, back again! I'm tired and I got prom in 2 days! Oh mer gad! ;3;) I hope you all are great and fine! I'll do my best to update this thriller/action book! Hue hue! Ta-ta! *runs away* weeeee!~☆)

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