Chapter 24: I can still see you..

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(Mabel's POV)
I wasn't really in the mood to talk to anyone, after what Dipper had told me. I mean this couldn't be Dipper! His was probably being brainwashed or something! The journals have been kept a secret from everyone and kept away from Bill. I still didn't like this and I understood (y/n)'s feelings. She probably felt the same as I did right now. But it was Dipper's expression that made me feel to trust and take win for him.
I'm just really glad that he cared for me and (y/n) alot, I mean why shouldn't he?

My thoughts piled up inside my head as I walked up the stairs. I then entered my bedroom. It was quiet, (y/n) wasn't here. "Where did she run off too?" I said sighing.
"(Y/n)! Where are you!" I shouted. I noticed a page from journal #3 laying on the floor. I picked it up and written on it was an oval shaped amulet. It looked the same as that crazy bastard Gideons amulet or I should say my great uncle fords. 'Why was this here? Did (y/n) drop it?' Something definalty wasn't right. I was about to head back downstairs to inform Dipper, until I saw something on top of the door/wall written in black. "Illusion is only the reality of our minds. YARP TNOD, YARP TOND, YARP TNOD!"
"What the heck is that!" The words then began to glow a light blue flame.
"DIPPER! COME QUICK!" I shouted not keeping my eyes off the flaming message.

Dipper then slammed into the wall. "MABEL! WHAT HAPPENED?!"

(No one's POV)
Dipper was taking deep breaths as sweat came down from his forehead. "Earth to Mabel! What happened?" Dipper stared at his sister confused.
Mabel didn't say anything, all she did was point towards the blue flaming words.
Dipper then looked up, towards where Mabel was pointing.
His eyes widened. "Just what the hell is that?!"
"I don't know dip, but whatever it is, its something to do with (y/n)." Mabel showed Dipper the journal page. Dipper formed his hand into a fist and punched the wall. "Dammit! Why does all this happen?! Why can't we just have a normal life!" Dipper shouted and cried alittle. At the same time Bill appeared with a dark look plastered onto his face.
"Bill! (Y/n)'s.." Mabel was cut off.
"I know shooting-star, I felt (y/n)'s presence just literally disappeared..." Bill explained.
"Disppeared! What do you mean disappeared?! Like she was never here!?" Dippers voice began to crack in ever sentence.
"..." Bill stayed quiet and studied the words above the door frame.
The room was quiet, Dipper was whimpering and Mabel just had a blank expression lifted onto her face.

(Y/n's POV)
"Where the hell am I, you piece of blue shit!"
I prepared and defended myself for battle.
"Your in the mindscape brat or how I would love to call it my funhouse!" Fake Dip replied.
"Mindscape? How can I be here, if I'm not asleep or why isn't my soul wandering about..." I watched as the fake Dipper crossed him arms and sighed.
"Because I thought it wouldn't be any fun if you were just a weak wandering soul, now. I want to see your true strength and potential."
Fake Dipper then put his hand out and it began to glow blue. A vase began to levitate and it then came straight for me. I dodged it rolling over to the living room.
"Come now (y/n), I know you could do better than that!" He laughed sending more flying objects towards me.

I used the umbrella as my last advantage, swinging and sending back the objects.
"Batter up, bitch." I smirked.
Fake Dip then got more angry with the taunt and began to glow a light blue, by raising most of the objects in the house. I backed away in fright as he smirked at me.
"Too bad I'm going to have to kill you, you would have been a perfect maid for my mansion." He sighed.
I gasped as I saw everything in the room began to glow blue and levitate. I quickly ran to the nearest room I could find but it was then blocked by the couch. He blocked most of the exits I could run too. I began to shake and shiver, fear building up inside of me. 'No! I can't get scared now!'

"No where to run, brat. Now give me the book." Fake Dip smirked at me.
I sighed, looking at the journal. "No!" I ran straight towards Fake Dip and jumped him, by kicking him out of the way. "Later Noob!" I laughed and headed out the door.

(Meanwhile in the real world)
'Its not possible'. Bill thought. 'I wonder if shes there?'
Dipper stopped weeping and rose up. He wope his tears, "Bill, I don't know what else to do. I need your help again...I'll do anything! Just bring (y/n) back to" The room was quiet. "Pinetree, I care about her more than you do and I would have already teleported her here. But I don't have my complete power yet. Sorry. But I think I know one place she may be." Bill had his hand on his chin, thinking.
"Really! Where exactly Billy-Bop?!" Mabel jumped in.
"The Mindscape." Bill replied.
The twins expressions changed."How the heck-" Mabel was cut off. "WE NEED TO GET THERE NOW!" Dipper shouted.
"Well you two already know how to get there." Bill smirked.
"Yeah, but (y/n) ran off with the journal!" Dipper sighed.
"Hmm, thats true and you don't know the incantations...well guess, I'll have to pull you both in the mindscape." Bill smirked wider.

"I still don't think this is a good idea." Mabel said shaking as she and Dipper sat ciss-cross on the ground.
"Don't worry Shooting star, this will only hurt...alot!" Bill laughed hysterically.
Out of nowhere came a blue flame and blue light lit the room. Mabel and Dipper began to scream as they felt pain inflict onto their heads. As the duo were yelling their eyes began to glow blue and a bright flashing of light occured.

(Shablazam! Top of the morning to you laddies! How was the chappy for you bros out there?! I hope it was good, cause more coming your way. :) By the way, I might make a Halloween chappy for my book so! Comment what you want any character to wear, the most votes will be added for the next SPECIAL chappy! :D
Catch you all in the next chapter! )

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