Chapter 19: Run, Run as fast as you can!

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(Y/n's POV)
I had heard a girl scream, I quickly looked up head as the sound came from right in front of us. "What was that, Nem?" Skroll asked. "I don't know. But let's!" We all began to run ahead, until we came up to a brighten spot in the woods. There was a girl with snowy white hair that seemed to be crying. I covered my mouth as I saw her forehead bleeding. "Scissor-mouth! What happened to your head?" Nemesis checked her face. "It was that mean, weird, brown haired girl we captured. She escaped and caught me off guard." The girl sobbed. "THIS IS WHY I TELL YOU LET ME, FINISH THE WORK!" Another man came out from the bushes. "Puppet!"Skroll shouted. "Puppet what the hell happened here?" Nemesis got angry. The puppet guy scratched his head, "Umm, well I has a strange encounter with this girl and then I was gonna kill her and then little miss scissor here ruined my plan and she got away...." Nemesis facepalmed herself. "You guys really are idiots. Search out and find her we can't let her tell anyone your secrets about killing her!" I backed up alittle as they were distracted. 'Brown haired? Weird? No it couldn't be!' I thought. It might have been Mabel! They were after Mabel? I needed to get away from these guys before they could try to kill me!

I made sure no one was looking and then I slowly walked away then dashed out. They seemed liked fools, gladly no one saw me. It was only a matter of time before anyone could know I left and escape. Before I made it far away I ran into something, making me like always, fall to the ground. "Ouch!" I rubbed my head. I looked up and saw a shady woman.

She wore a blue steam punk dress with some brown buckle design and white frills, her socks we pattern with black and white and her hair was long, brown. "I'm sorry." I told her getting up and walking away, but before I could she gripped onto my (s/c) shirt. I turned back to her and she looked at me with a straight face. "I don't let my prisoners escaped." My heart beated fast, 'SHIT! I screwed up and should of ran quite sooner.' I thought. What could I do? I tried to pull my arm away and kick her, but her skills were to great for me. She stopped my by plain force. "Sorry but I think you should sleep for the time." Was the last thing I heard from her as I felt a heavy pain on my neck it was a hit from her elbow. I then blacked out.

(Dipper's POV)

here was no sign of (y/n) or Mabel, It was also getting dark, but that was the least of my worries. I made it back to the cart and hoped (Y/n) was okay. I needed to find them, so I decided to drive back to the shack. The place was quiet, thinking that Grunkle Stan must of been inside, not having a clue what was going on. Ugh! I needed help! But I didn't want Stan or the others involve. There was only one other person I could think of and I was not gonna like it!

I took out Journal #3 and turned to the page with Bill Cipher marked all over it. This Journal was created by my other Great Uncle Ford a long time ago. But he ventured out somewhere in the world, hopefully he'll be back soon I thought. Anyway, I needed to summon Bill if I was gonnna get (y/n) and Mabel back. I began to say alot of random words and summon's: "egassem sdrawkcab ,egassem sdrawkcab ,egassem sdrawkcab!" It wasn't long when the wind began to blow hard and my body felt lifted, then everything froze. Time stopped and a blue flame appeared brightly. Out came Bill in his human form making his grand entrance. "Pine-tree? What a pleasant surprise! I didn't expect someone like you to summon the likes of me!" Bill laughed. "Shut-it Bill! I'm here for one reason!" I shouted. Bill looked down at me and smirked. "And what would that be?" I gulped and took a breath. "I need" I said looking down. Bill then laughed. "Me? Help you Pine-Tree? Priceless!" Bill continued to laugh. "I'm serious Bill! (Y/n) and Mabel are in trouble and I know it! They need our help!" I shouted. Bill then stopped laughing and looked serious at me. "(Y/n)? What happened to (y/n)?" Bill floated down closer to me. Was he actually worried? "THEY NEED OUR HELP CIPHER! And your the only person I know who can help save (y/n) and Mabel." My voice crackled. "I heard enough Pine-Tree. I'll help you, once you make a small deal with me." I looked at Bill glaring at him. "What kind of deal?"

Bill made a devilish grin. "I want you to give me the three journals you have after we save (y/n) and shooting star!" I looked at Bill as if he just killed someone. 'Is he crazy or something! There's no way I would ever hand over the journals to him!' I thought. Bill laughed. "I may be crazy, but I'm serious about the journals Pine-tree! So is it a deal or not? I mean you do want to save your precious (y/n) and shooting-star?" Bill was tempting me in a way and I didn't like it. What could I do? Looks like I would have to join the darkside for abit. I put my hand out. "Deal." I said. Bill's smirk became wider and he held out his hand with a blue flame. We both shook on it and time was then unfrozen. There at the same time someone ran out from the forest. I couldn't believe was Mabel? "Mabel!" I shouted. She ran to me and dropped to her knees breathing heavily. "Are you okay?" I asked her. Bill replied, "One down and one more to go Pine-tree." I glared at Bill. "Dip...per, I.. was..running from..these guys...they were dangerous.. and had weapons!" Mabel took short breaths. "Calm down and breath come lets go inside. I help carried Mabel into the shack, Bill followed us, floating around.

(No one's POV)

~5 minutes after~

Mabel was calmed down, Dipper gave her a cup of water and watched as she swallowed it down. "Okay shooting star, now that you've had plenty of your rest, tell us what happened to you." Bill demanded. "Okay, okay! I will get right on that! So like I said there were these guy and their dangerous! I think they were some kinda serial killer group. Two were gonna kill me! But don't worry I did my old Mabel skills and ran off!" Mabel smiled. Dipper looked very worried. "Mabel I'm just glad your safe!" Dipper hugged Mabel. "Thanks bro-bro!" Mabel replied. "So speaking of which, why is Bill here?" Mabel dotted her eye onto Bill.

Dipper was about to answer, until Bill jumped in. "Why the answer is simply shooting star, Dipper made a deal with me to find you and (y/n). Well at least one part of the deal is done." Bill sighed. "WHAT!" Mabel turned her face to Dipper, who was looking down and away from Mabel. "Dipper, how could you!" Mabel pulled Dipper aside away from Bill and whispered. "Dipper you know how awful Bill is! He even possessed you, almost hurt grunkle Stan back then and even great uncle Ford said to stay away from him!" Mabel gripped onto Dipper. "Mabel I know but I was so worried about you, that I had no other choice! You and (y/n) were gone! And I knew I had to do something! I'm sorry Mabel but I didn't want to lose you...." Mabel's face then turned sad. "No, I'm sorry Dipper I shouldn't have run away because of my own problems. I should've stayed and settled this out, all of this was my fault!" Mabel began to tear up. Dipper held Mabel's face in his hands, It's okay sister? I still love you." Dipper smiled wiping Mabel's tears.

"Oh boo-hoo! This was such a sad and emotional moment!" Bill said sarcasticly. "Bill do you even know what sadness is?" Mabel questioned. Bill stayed quiet for a moment. "Is it an animal?"

Dipper facepalmed. "Yup, the old flying Dorito is back!"

Mabel chuckled. "Come on guys! Let's go find (Y/n)!"

Bill and Dipper agreed with Mabel. Dipper got his backpack and stored Journal #3 in it with some random supplies and grabbed a flashlight. Mabel had her grappling hook and Bill, well Bill is a demon, so who knew what that guy had in his pockets.

(DUH DUH DUH DUHHHHH! Can't wait for more ABML! That's my book in a short way just saying. (^_^) Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter cause I can't wait to take a break off of writing when this finishes! I kinda added a small bit of Pinecest into it so! :p kinda weird to say! Lol sorry my FINGERS hurt! :3 ~Author-chan out! :P)

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