Chapter 18: Why me?!

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(BOOP! hey people heres another chappy I might update another in abit! Is this book going good for you? Leave a comment? And tell me how you feel! ^_^)

(Y/n's POV)
I had finally caught up with that girl, I shouted calling out to her making her turn around. I stopped and saw that this wasn't the face of Mabel but another. "Damn it! Your not Mabel!" I grunted.
"Well hello to you too!" She said back. I was finally able to see the girls whole face, I gasped as I saw her face. The girl was wore a cracked masked with a violet top and blue jeans. Both of her eyes glowed one side red and the other white with both of her pupils crossed X. "So umm, how long are you gonna stare at me like that? Aren't you gonna even say something?" She looked at me annoyed.
"I'm sorry you looked kinda like my friend from behind so I thought.......yeah...."
The girl scratched her head. "Well whatever, sorry for the attitude." She said.
"Hey by any chance did you see a kinda weird girl with long brown hair, weird sweater and braces?"
I looked down sad. Damn I thought why was Mabel so ignorant and hard to deal with? "Thanks anyway though!" I smiled and was about to walk away till my shirt was tugged.
"I think I may have see your all weird girl...she might of been with that tick tock freak!" She said convincing.
"You mean Toby?! Please where did you see them?"
The girl made a devilish smile. "Well come with me and I'll show you."
I shook my head and we walked away deeper into the abyss of the forest.

(Dipper's POV)
"(Y/n)! Wait! Dammit!" I kept running after her. But then unnoticeably I trip over something. I got up ignoring the pain, but as I looked (y/n) already disappeared. Where did she go? Was she alright. I was never this worried for anyone I thought.
Then again there was Mabel.
I ran threw the forest and found myself caught onto a trail. "Okay small trail? What else is new?" I took out my phone and tried to call (y/n), but there was no reception. "Come on! Seriously?"

(Y/n's POV)
"So hey, I didn't catch your name." I walked up next to the strange girl. "It's Nemesis." She responded. "What the? What kinda name? Well fine if you don't wanna tell me your real name!" I growled. "Hey, all my friends call me that! So you better get use to it shaved-Ice!" Nemesis growled back. I kinda glared at her. What's this girls problem? She seems to be annoyed, probably cause I'm here? I was doing some heavy thinking as we walked. The place was then quiet and silence broke out. That was until something jumped out the bush! "Squaaaahhhhhhhh!" It yelled and I screamed. I hid behind Nemesis.
"Oh wow! Real Immature Skroll!" She yelled.
"What are you? Twelve? You God damn weird fuck!"
Nemesis raised her fist up and was about to punch the creepy guy. He looked like he wore a mask. It was grey with what looked like blood falling from the face lines. His eyes were ocean blue and his teeth were sharp like a shark along with his hair a kinda maroon red color. The most freaky thing I saw about this guy was his body it was the color grey as if he were dead. He has on a jacket and black jeans there he stood laughing as us. "You should've seen the look on your faces! Haha! It was priceless!" He kept laughing, but it stopped as Nemesis socked him in the face. "Oww! That hurt you bitch!"

"It was suppose to dumbass....." She then walked away. "Oh Skroll where are the others?" I stayed quiet trying to take in some useful information about these two odd ones. "I'm not sure we got separated." Skroll answered. "That's just like you idiots! By the way did you see Puppet?" Skroll shook his head no. Nemesis growled looking at him. "Why are you so useless at times like this? Come you, girl! And Skroll you better follow to, cause we'll have to head back and report to the master." I followed quickly, Skroll jumped up tagging along with us. I tried to keep my cool but I was sweating. The more I saw, the more dangerous these guys looked or was this some kinda professional makeup they were wearing? I thought. "Hey, girl!" I turned and looked at him, not sure if he ment me. "Yeah I'm talking to you! Who are ya?" He stared and glared at me. I was alittle scared to say that's when his expression change from angry to an insane grin. "Come on, I'm just asking for your name that's all!"

I fake smiled at him. " It's (y/n)." It was quiet for a minute. "I hate your name." He stuck his tongue out at me. "Well, I don't like your looks or attitude." I replied crossing my arms. "What was that you bitch?" He growled. A sweat broke off my face, sliding down to my cheek. I really have done it now! "Nothing!" I quickly said. But that didn't stop this Skroll guy from staring at me. "Hmm, It better be nothing brat..." He mummbled to himself. As we continued to walked, I saw someone up ahead. It looked like people but I couldn't make it out from the far perspective.

(Mabel's POV)
"Ummm? What do you mean 'end me'?" I said scared. I quickly rose up and backed away. "Just how it sounds, my dearie. I gonna put you to a deep slumber you could say and make you a doll, well my doll." Puppet made a fierce grin. "Hey can't we talk about this?!" I begged. But he didn't listen to me. He came closer and pulled out a neon yellow string from his hands. I screamed and tried to run away. But I fell to the ground, my legs were already entwinded with the yellow string. I couldn't move, I was trapped and I began to tear up as droplets flowed down my face. I yelled for help, But my mouth was covered by this weirdo. I cried and called out 'Toby' one last time. Til I heard someone coming, The puppet guy turned around and got prepared for who ever it was, dropping me to the ground tied up.
"Whose there mate?!" Puppet shouted. Out came a girl, she was small and wearing a red shirt and black skirt, not to also say her mouth was stitched up to her jaw line and her hair was pure white as snow. "Puppet there you are!" She said happily. She ran our way. "Oh my little miss scissor mouth finally found me! Oh whatever shall I do!" He said sarcasticly. "Hide and seek was boring and you ditched me, you meanie! Hey why are you hurting that nice girl?" She said looking down at me. "She's my new doll." He looked and creepily smiled at me. I shook trying to free myself, but I couldn't as I cried abit more. "Hey shes crying! Puppet you shouldn't do that to girls, you meanie!" The girl took at a pair of scissors and cut the string off of me. I was free! "SCISSOR, WHAT DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING?" The puppet guy shouted. "Freeing the helpless, I mean you should at least take a minute and think 'should I kill this girl?' NO!" She shouted back. This girl helped me up and I smiled at her. "Don't worry your in horrible hands! I will end you instead, with my scissors that is!" She smiled at me.

"Oh my God! What is it with you people and wanting to kill me?! What did I ever do to deserve this?" I was angry and cried a little. "You guys need help! And the good kinda help to!" I gave up and sat flat on the ground. "Well, it's not my fault I wanna kill you, I mean its in our blood! We were born to execute! Tee-hee!" Scissor-mouth laughed. Puppet stood in the back still looking angry as usual. "Well can't I at least have a peaceful death?" I asked. "No. That wouldn't be any fun!" She looked sad. "Well can I at least look for my boyfriend before I die? I mean he's missing!" I looked down frustrated. She sighed. "Still no! Anyway enough talk! Say goodnight little girl!" She shouted. "I'm not a little girl anymore! I'm 19! Making me an official woman you jack squads!"
I picked up a stone quickly and threw it at the scissor mouth girl. It was a bull's eye! Right in her face! She screamed and I quickly got up and ran away. I could see the puppet guy behind, running after me. Too bad I was a junior champion in track back then, I ran so fast that he couldn't keep up with me anymore. I was free and now I needed to head back to the shack and find Dipper and (Y/n).

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