Chapter 17: When the birds have been silenced

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(No one's POV)
The house was silent, you layed back onto the door sliding to the ground. "What the heck is going on?" (Y/n) said sighing. "Hey (y/n), who was at the door?" Dipper asked.
(Y/n) wope a sweat off her forehead. "Some weird guy. I think he's after Mabel!" (Y/n) began to worry. "Hey calm down! Where is Mabel by the way?" Dip looked confused.
"Ummm, Dip don't you remember she threw a tantrum and said she went out for a walk?" (Y/n) facepalm.
The two of you were silent for a minute. "WE NEED TO FIND HER!" You and Dip said in a unision.

(Mabel's POV)
"Hummm, hummmm mmmnn." I sang hummingly. It was already afternoon and the sky was still bright as ever. Birds flew over my head, along with the tree leaves fall ontop of my head. 'Why?' I thought. Why didn't Dipper and (y/n) understand how I felt. I've been worried for Toby and everyone else. But something wasn't right, I didn't know what it was but I was sure it wasn't the fuzzy-ness of my hair. I saw a small rock on the ground and kicked it. It flew into a bush. "OWW!"
I jumped back as I heard someone shout.
"Whose there?!" I shouted back. A dude wearing kinda grey-ish clothes came out. He was taller than me, but the most creepy thing about him was that his skin was grey and his eye lighten gold. "Aaahh, that really hurt! Mate!" he said rubbing his head. "Umm who the heck are you and why were you hiding in that bush?" I said glaring. "First of all sweet, is it a crime to hide in a bush? And secondly can a guy take a wiz for at least a minute!" I backed away a little. "Well I'm sorry, I didn't really think someone would be in a bush. I'll make sure to check even bush next time!" I laughed. "Heh, that's mighty fine, sweet. Anyway, why is a nice girl like you walking alone in the woods?" He questioned. I scratched my head. "Uh well its a long story." I looked down sad. "Hmm, well I got the time to hear one heck of a story." The strange guy took a seat on a small boulder. I then looked confused and smiled happily. "Well, it all started....."

(Y/n's POV)
I sighed. "What are we gonna do Dipper? I hope Mabel's okay." Dipper was driving the golf cart and I sat next to him. "I don't know! UGH! I wish I was paying more attention to her! I knew this was a bad idea from the start! Mabel should of never went on that date or even went near Toby!" Dipper looked a little stressed and his face showed anger. "Calm down, Dip." I rested my hand on his shoulder. "We'll find her, don't worry." Dipper's face went from angry to calm, he looked at me and then went back watching the road. 'Where could Mabel, have gone?' I thought as I watched the hundreds of trees pass us by. That's when I notice, I saw a girl walking. I couldn't tell if it were Mabel but we had to stop to see. "Dip! Stop the cart! I see someone!" I squint my eye to look. The cart stopped and I jumped out and ran into the woods. "I'll be right back!" I yelled back at Dip. I could hear him from a distance shouting and calling my name. But I couldn't stop now I had to see who that person.

(Mabel's POV)
"And so here I am now, sitting and talking to you." I brushed my hand into my hair. "Well, you seem to be in a bit of big trouble deary. I wish I could help you." "It's okay cool dude. I mean sometimes you can't get everything your way! Oh yeah by the way my name is Mabel, what's yours?" I smiled at him. He looked back at me with a dead silence. Then he spoke, "Well I don't really got a name to give to you right now but most of my friends call me the Puppeteer or Puppet for short." I giggled then laughed. "Are you serious? Puppet? What kinda nickname is that? Who on earth would nickname themselves that?" I continued to laugh. "This is why I silence the noise.....and make my own little laughter." Puppet began to whisper to himself, then smile in a serious look. I shut my mouth and stopped laughing. "I'm sorry! I didn't really mean to laugh! It just came abit new to me that's all!" Hoping he wouldn't hate me. "Oh is that so? Well I'm sorry for the little scare joke as-well." Puppet began to laugh. I wope a sweat off my forehead, 'phew!' "So Mabel, what are your plans and intentions? Will you go back home, like the little good girl you are or run away?" I turned to puppet as he said that. I looked at him confused. "No! I just want them to understand me! I don't wanna run away from my family! I think I might just go back......." I looked down at the ground. It was quiet again and all you could hear was the birds chirping again.
"Well, guess I'll have to end you here and'll make a perfect doll to my collection."

(O.o) HeYa guys! I'M BACCC with more of the story sorry for the delay. I've been working on my other books and trying to get ready for my anime convention. I cant wait to go! :) so how was the book, i feel sorry for mabel! :( hope she doesnt die.........Well see you guys in the next chapter! Bye!

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