Chapter 3- Nathan

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I'm still kinda scared about this whole 'giant cyclops' thing but I was getting kind of bored just hanging around camp.
And besides. More time with Jessica!! The thing is, ever since she came to camp I had a big crush on her. I mean the way she laughs. Her long brown hair flowing in the wind. Her green eyes sparkle in the sun.
Or if you think about, her dad who is riding the sun. Kinda weird looking at the sun and saying "Look there goes my dad!" But you know.
Anyways, the pegasus landed about 10 feet away from me and Jessica. It was a shiny white with a long glittering mane.
"This is Shimmer." Said Jessica stroking the pegasus.
"Huh, wonder where she got that name from." I said sarcastically. Jessica rolled her eyes.
She hopped up on the pegasus and patted the back of Shimmer in a motion of 'sit here'
"Alright" I said and hopped on to the back of the horse.
"You might want to hold on." She said with a grin.
My thought just before we sped off. Oh boy.
We took of with surprising speed going off towards the distance. We where going so fast I could barely see where we were going. Just then we went a little faster and I held on even tighter. We might be going really fast but I could still hear Jessica's muffled laugh against the wind.
We landed about what I think 3 hours later. I hopped of the pegasus and stretched my sore legs. Jessica hopped off and stretched hers to.
"Ok, so where are we?" I asked. I looked around. We landed just outside a small town. There were large hills around the little place.
"Arizona," answered Jessica looking around also. "Where supposed to meet someone in that town," she said pointing to it.
She started off towards it. Just as she started walking Shimmer took to the sky leaving us with no transportation.
I stared at the shape of the winged horse fading into the distance until Jessica broke me out of my stare.
"C'mon blondy!" She yelled. I turned around and jogged up to her just as we entered the town.

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