Chapter 2- Jessica

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The air was a little chilly. I looked up at the big tree with the Golden Fleece hanging from it guarded by Peleus the dragon.
I walked silently wishing not to be caught and then.
"Jessica!" I turned around to see Nathan coming up the hill. The son of Hermes. He had blond hair that always got in his face. And dark mysterious blue eyes. He was always trying to crack jokes.
"Where are you going?" He said still panting from jogging all this way.
"Nowhere" I said plainly. But clearly he didn't think I was going nowhere.
"Nowhere huh." He said glancing at my bow.
"Just off to pay someone a visit." I answered. He looked at me like I was telling a joke he didn't get.
"What did someone steal your cookies?" He said joking. " Haha. No I just am going somewhere."
"Really? You look like your about to go fight some monsters. You could use some help." He's right two is better than one. But sometimes he can be annoying. And I'm guessing he won't take no for an answer.
"Fine." I finally said. He looked pleased with himself. I started climbing again.
"So where are we going?" He asked climbing after me. "To go get a package from a giant Cyclops." He stopped.
"A GIANT CYCLOPS!!! You just had a grand idea to go by yourself and steal a package from a giant cyclops!!!" He yelled. "Shut up!!! And no I got this from Zeus." He looked confused. " Why would Zeus send you to get a package from a cyclops?" I started to feel really annoyed. " Lets just keep moving and stop asking questions!! You wanted to go on this quest." He rolled his eyes and started after me again.
"But why would he just tell you. Not Chiron?"
I turned around and gave him a murderous look. "Alright! Alright! Let's keep going."
For those of you who didn't know Chiron is are camp activities director. And Dionysus is are camp director who can sometimes be a real godly pain in the butt.
"Just one thing how are we going to get to this Package?" He said once we reached the top of the hill. " I'm glad you asked." I said giving him that 'you won't guess what I'm gunna do' look.
I took out the whistle Zeus gave me and gave it a blow. You can't hear anything with human ears but the animal I called can. Out of the sky came a came a snowy white Pegasus landing right next to me and Nathan.

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