An unlucky encounter

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First off, before we start I have a little key for you guys:

(Y/n) = Your name
(N/n) = Your nickname
(F/c) = Your favorite colour

Now that's done, let's begin!

(Y/n)'s P.O.V

I woke up early on a Monday morning in my comfy red bunk bed in my dorm. Sound asleep above me was my best friend, Lyra. Trying not to wake her, I stretch, get out of bed and check the time on my alarm. It was 7:50 am.

...Wait a moment...SHIT!


Being a soldier in the red army I had to follow a strict timetable set out by Red leader himself. Get breakfast at 8am, start training at 9:30am until 12pm, have lunch, then back to training till 3pm. Then you get leisure time to spend unless you had a office job after training. If so... unlucky you. Then, dinner at 8pm and then you can do want you like on camp.

"CHRIST (Y/N) YOU DONT HAVE TO YELL!" Yelled back Lyra, quickly sitting up and doing her long, blonde hair into a ponytail and jumping out of bed.

"Boo hoo princess!" I grinned and giggled, and started to change into my uniform.

Lyra started to change too. My uniform consists of a red sweater with a navy blue overcoat, black pants and dark brown army boots. Lyra and I brush our teeth and rush outside our dorm to get to the food hall.

I hope they have bacon!

Lyra and I arrived in the big crowded food hall and looked at what was there to eat for today.

"HELL YEAHHHH BACON!!!" We both yell in unison, shoving pieces onto our plates.


Lyra and I sat down at bench that surprisingly didn't have anyone sitting there. It's weird, this place is usually crowded!

Score! Again!

We both start digging in, us both equally enjoying it. After being in the red army for a month, Lyra and I slowly adjusted to the sounds of the tortured screams, loud yelling and the gun shots in the background, but it all still make me cringe on the inside.

"Umm... C-could we join you? There's nowhere to sit..." A gruff voice spoke behind me.

Better not be another show-off trying to date us...

I huff. Lyra and I both look behind us to see two guys. One had brown hair, a scarred eye and bushy eyebrows. The other had a straight face and sort of long, brown hair that was split evenly and parted to both sides of his head.

...Wait a second... Aren't they Paul and Patryk, Red leader's right hand men?!?

I nudged Lyra and whispered, "Those two are Red leader's right hand men!"

"Oh shit, really?"


"O-OH UH YEAH SURE YOU C-CAN!" Lyra yelled, sounding quite stiff. I mentally face palmed, she could be a dork sometimes.

"Yeah... thanks!" Paul replied, him and Patryk sitting down.


Us four were actually quite talkative and we all were rambling on about gossip in the camp like a bunch of sassy 15 year olds. We got along really well for just meeting eachother!

I have a feeling we are going to be amazing friends!

Paul and Patryk were talking about how they met Red leader before the army was created,

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