Ignoring them like I've been doing for the past 3 years, I closed the door behind me and made my way to my locker.

I put my chemistry books in and prepared for biology and physics. Don't even ask me why I'm taking triple science courses because I honestly don't know. I felt that if I took enough hard courses that it made me so busy, I wouldn't have time to meet people, I wouldn't have time to go out or just hang out or anything that required interacting with humans.

Honestly it didn't even matter to me anymore because after a few months I'm so out of here. With my perfect 3.9 GPA, I'm going as far away from here as possible; probably Ireland.

Yeah, I would totally love to apply to the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland; that would be so cool, Dr. Lexi Peirce.

Before I let my imagination wonder elsewhere I came back to reality and instead of the amazing "Chief of Surgery" office I imagined, I found myself staring at my locker that, for some reason, smells like the inside of a sardine canister.

I had so much time to kill that I didn't even know where to go when all of the sudden a wonderful smell hit me; pastries.

I have now decided that even though I ate waffles for breakfast, I still have some prime real estate left in my belly to devour an amazing cheese croissant. I buckled my bag by the straps available, and I was on my merry way. Walking down the hallway towards the cafeteria, I kept thinking about that weird dream I had. The images were so vivid, the sounds are still alive in my head and ... and before I could even finish my thoughts, I accidently bumped into the only human being I wanted to avoid my entire life.

"Look who we have here" said an annoyingly familiar voice.

Without even looking I could tell it was Brad Jacobs; quarterback of the football team and one of the many jerks who thinks he's all high and mighty. Does this person ever go to class?!

"Leave me alone Jacobs, today's not your day." I said quickening my pace so as to avoid him.

Guess what? It didn't work; no thanks to my super power of clumsiness and these God awful chicken feet.

He pulled me by my bag pack and started dragging me down the deserted hallway with his massive, hairy gorilla hands. I tried to wriggle myself free from his tight grip but it only caused him to tighten it even more. My hand was literally numb and I knew for a fact that it's going to leave a mark. "How can someone not see this?" I thought.

I looked around and I saw a security camera and I honestly tried my best to make it seem like I was taken under my will. I knocked down a vase and kicked a locker before Captain Jerk-face here opened a random door, went inside to open another door and threw me inside. I hit my head against the wall so hard it was throbbing like crazy.

"Enjoy your stay at our humble hotel, and conveniently enough you also have friends to keep you company." he said referring to something next to me.

It took me a minute to regain proper vision to even think about looking to my right and I almost froze in fear when I saw a huge spider on the wall.

The sad part about being a target in this school is that they know every fear I have, every allergy, and every embarrassing photo; don't ask.

Once, they paid a completely innocent girl to "offer" me a cake made from peanuts; I am extremely allergic to nuts. They had to be well hidden in the batter of the cake because it didn't even smell like there was any nuts in it. Nevertheless, I had to be rushed to the hospital because my entire face was swollen and my eyes were almost shut. It looked like a balloon grew inside my face. I was hospitalized for 4 days before I started seeing again because the concentration of nuts was insane - I'm surprised I didn't die.

"Let's see how you're going to free yourself out of this one  Peirce." He laughed as he shut the door, demanding my attention.

"No please wait!..." I started but he shut the door right in my face and from the banging sound on the other end, I think he was making sure it couldn't be unlocked. I heard him laugh before he walked away closing the second door behind him.

Is that even legal? I really hope someone finds him and pummels him to death. Ok maybe not to death but still, someone should teach him a lesson. I would love to do that myself but for one I'm half his size, 0.0000001% of his strength and don't even get me started on the advanced level of clumsiness.

The moment he shut the door with the ugliest smirk, I started screaming hysterically. In case you haven't noticed I have this extreme phobia of animals and anything that crawls or walks on fours. I pounded on the door with all my force and screamed at the top of my lungs. I could feel them crawling all over me and I just didn't know what to do. I felt tears pouring down my face and hushed sniffles turned to loud sobs and before I knew it I was crying loudly.

 I felt tears pouring down my face and hushed sniffles turned to loud sobs and before I knew it I was crying loudly

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