Starting the next play, Fukurodani serves and we receive it. Akaashi sets the ball to Bokuto as they both jump. Daichi and Tsukishima jump side by side. A new intensity flickers behind Tsukishima's eyes this time. He's trying. 

A rush of excitement flows over me as I lean forward, something I haven't felt in a while. Then, Bokuto feints instead. However, I could see a hint of nervousness in his face. I sit back and cross my arms, in contentment.

I observe Hinata stare down Tsukishima as he passes. He glares right back with the same potency."A new rivalry is brewing," I mutter. The sun versus the moon.


Throughout the afternoon games, Hinata seemed increasingly frustrated when his spikes were blocked. Kageyama sets the ball to Hinata but something was off. It didn't fall. However, Hinata hits it perfectly and scores a point.

"Did you just hold back?!" Hinata shouts when his feet touch the ground. My muscles tense up when he yells, ready for anything. Kageyama glowers down at him, "Did you just accuse me of holding back? In volleyball?" his hair shadows his face.

Kageyama grabs him by the collar, "Dare you to say that again," I stand up at this point as Takeda-sensei gets ready to call a timeout. The people in the gym anticipate a brawl.

Third POV

A cold voice breaks apart the pleas of his teammates and all noises period, "Kageyama," The two first years' limbs freeze. He drops him immediately and turns around in one motion. The tamed fury behind the glare waiting for him was enough to make anyone terrified. "Remember my promise?" he nods shakily.

"I never break my promises, understand?" the whole gym stand frozen. She didn't yell or scream, she was dead quiet. Honestly screaming would probably be less frightening. "Y-yes ma'am," Hinata and Kageyama barely manage to stutter out, fear gripping their tongues.

"Good," she returns to her normal demeanor in a blink of an eye. She turns to Ukai politely, "If you'll excuse me, I'll be right back," a pleasant look returning to her face as she strides out of the gym.

The door shuts behind her but the gym remains quiet until the ref blows his whistle. Still, people look towards the door she walked out of. Not one person has ever seen her like this before, at least not in this gym.

Karasuno looks at each other before lining up to for the next play. Yachi looks over at Ukai's horrified face and nods. "And she wasn't even yelling this time," she adds. The team tries to push their thoughts away but a lingering worry of what caused that reaction to manifest in response to the quarrel.


First POV

I push the girls' bathroom door open and wait until I hear it shut before I release a breath I had been holding in. Memories flash through my mind. The same collar grab used on my little brother and I. That same furious glare right before fist start flying.

I shake my head in a effort to shake it out of my mind. I take off my glasses and splash some cold water in my face. I wipe my face off on my shirt and put them back on. I stare into the mirror and think of how hard it will be to reenter the gym with all those eyes on me.

I wish I didn't make such a spectacle of myself. But I did that automatically. God, I'm such an idiot. I run my hands through my hair. So what do I do when I walk back in. Do I act like nothing happened? I don't know.

For someone with crippling social anxiety I sure do draw attention to myself. And what if they start asking questions? I let my hands drag down my face as I groan. Do I want to tell them?

Of course not. But they'll wanna know and humans are so damn nosy! I know that Sugawara, Kageyama, and Hinata were all suspicious but now the whole team? Maybe I can get Kuroo to help me. Maybe he can do the talking and I just sit there wanting to die!

I push open the door of the ladies' room and wait outside Kuroo's gym because I can't go back there now. Luckily that was our last game of the day anyway. As players started filing out the door, I slip in, knowing he would linger.

I spot him talking to Kenma and drinking water. "Tetsu-kun," I call attention to myself. The two look over. "Ah, Chi-chan what brings you to our neck of the woods?" Kuroo grins. I look down sheepishly, "Um, I'm kind of in a little predicament and I need your advice?" I fiddle with my fingers.

"Did something happen?" he asks in a serious tone. I nod hesitantly. The three of us sit on the bench that Kuroo gestures to. "So what's up?"


I finish explaining the issue and Kuroo rubs his chin. "If they as a collective ask they we probably need to say something. If it's one on one you can shrug them off," Kenma theorizes. "If they ask as a group, I'll help tell them for you," I nod. I clap my hands together and bow my torso.

"Thanks a million, I really owe you," 

"Strawberry pocky," he grins and I nod. "Got it and don't forget the my drink, I think I'll need to for tomorrow," I send him a thumbs up.

I decide to lay low and go straight to dinner instead of free practice. I quickly eat my meal and avoid eye contact with all Karasuno and Fukurodani members. I duck out of the cafeteria and into my room.

There are no other girls in here so I'm free for a moment. I set down my clipboard and pull out my phone and earbuds. I shut my eyes for a bit and listen to music.


I hear the door slide open but luckily it was just Shinzen's manager. However, 30 minutes later there is a knock. I open one eye as Mako slides the door open. I take out an earbud and open the other eye. "Chihiro-chan, Takeda-sensei is looking for you," My blood freezes and I get up rigidly. "O-Okay,"

I feel anxiety grip my insides like a stress ball. I reach the door, which felt like an eternity in itself and see his false smile. I know that anywhere. "Y-Yes?"

"Hi Chihiro-chan there are a few questions that have been weighing on the team's mind for a bit and we'd really appreciate if you clarified them," he asks nicely. I take a deep breath. "I need to get someone to- uh help me with this if that's alright," I manage. He nods.

"Sure you can," he assures. I trudge to gym 3 and slide open the door. "Tetsu-kun," I call out. Kuroo looks over to me an nods. He passes the ball to Bokuto before grabbing his jacket and meeting me at the door.

"They asked a little sooner than I hoped," I whisper. He nods. "Do you want me to do the talking?" he asks. I look down and nod.


Takeda enters the room, then Kuroo, then me. It was a small room with coach, the managers, the third years, and the freak duo. I hesitantly sit down next to Tetsu as Daichi clears his throat. "You probably already know what I'm going to as but... what's been going on while your not at practice? For lack of better words, normal people don't flinch like you do, so what uh- is causing it?"

Here it goes

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