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Since the gym is being repaired, we had a couple days off of practice. I find myself at Ukai's little shop near the school. I push open the glass door and see him with his feet propped up, reading the newspaper. "Oh, Chihiro, what brings you here?"

I feel my shoulders slump a little. "I honestly don't know. I need something to do, I just don't know what," I lean against the counter. He slips his feet off the counter and hunches over. "Hinata's at my dad's place learning from him. The coach Ukai," 

"Would either of them mind if I sit in, maybe take notes?" I ask. He shakes his head almost immediately. "I'm sure he'd want to meet you anyway. And Hinata wants as much help as he can get," 

"Could you give me the address?" he rips a piece of his newspaper off and scrawls it down. He slides it to me on the counter. After muttering a quick thanks, I embark on my quest of finding wherever the hell this place is.


I find myself behind a large wooden building with the address printed in black. I follow the sound of grunts, laughs, and yelling as I peak around the corner. I look just in time to see Hinata getting nailed in the face with a volleyball.

I wince instinctively. Hinata conveniently spots me and waves me over. "Chi-chan what're you doing here?" he asks, catching the attention of the rest of the strangers. They look over and I automatically duck back behind the wall, not enjoying the attention.

I hear a pair of feet bounding towards me. Hinata turns the corner and smiles. "Coach Ukai said you'd be here and I wanted to take some notes," I ask in a nervous tone. He nods. "I'm sure Ukai-san wouldn't mind, c'mon!" He grabs my wrist and drags my out from behind the safety of the building. "Wait-,"

"Hinata who'd you just drag in?" an older man with a strong resemblance to Coach asks, most likely his father. I clutch by clipboard and look down, "This is Chihiro-chan, she's my coach too," I look up for a second and then back down.

I tuck my arms into my side tightly. "Moyasu Chihiro? As in the former U-18 rep?" I nod. I hear a hearty chuckle, "Glad to meet you, would you care to join Hinata's team?"

The short beneath my uniform became the saving variable. I make mental notes of the tempos he used as well as different techniques of the other players and Ukai-san. 


The next Tuesday, Ukai had Hinata play with team B for him to become more independent with his spikes. The players split up, each of them practicing the new techniques they saw at the training camp. I spend the practices bouncing between both gyms to coach and observe.

I find myself watching Kageyama tossing balls to hit specific water bottles. Yachi tosses a ball to him and he sets it behind his head. It misses its target. "Arch your back more, you'll have more accuracy," I say out of the blue.

He looks over blankly and nods. His the ball he set comes much closer to his intended target this time. I trot over to Asahi and Nishinoya and address Asahi's trajectory. "Aim just above the net for a straight serve like that. And if you can get that down try sending it really high and far and make it fall fast and straight down from its peak," He nods and continues to practice, taking note of my tips.

I tweak the timing for the synchronized attack and keep making my rounds. I try my best to coach them as they all do different things. I can't help but feel like I'm being annoying in their opinion. But I just try my best anyway.


I show up to the school a little before midnight to load on the bus to Tokyo. "Leaving in the dead of night is so exciting!" Hinata beam. I merely rub my eyes behind my glasses. My bag sits on my shoulder and my arms are crossed in front of me. I shuffle onto the bus in my Karasuno sweatpants and gray Adidas shirt with white logo in the center.

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