Chapter 10:AnonymousMouse

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I layed in my bed the entire day. They took Destiny to the hospital and she was announced dead. I felt un-safe everywhere I went. I felt like there were a bunch of people judt breathing down my neck.


The door bell rang and I did not feel like going downstairs to get it.
"Mom?..Can you get it please?" I called out and hugged my pillow.
"Don't worry sweetheart, will do!" She opened the door.

"Alex!" My mom hugged him tightly.
"Hey, where is Stephanie?" He smiled innocently at my mom.
"She's upstairs, shes a bit upset with what happened to Destiny..Actually really upset" She put her hand on his shoulder.

"Okay, thank you~" Alex walked upstairs and into my room, closing the door behind him.
"Hey Steph" he sat beside me as I covered myself with my sheets.
"Hey Alex.." I barely spoke.
He layed beside me on the bed and turned to his side just to stare at me.
"Don't be sad forever" he smiled at me.

"How? Destiny was one of my good Friends Alex.." I sat up.
"She's in a better place okay?Don't worry about it..I have something to ask you by the way" Alex locked the door.

"Why did you lock the door?" I was sort of scared.
"Because, what I have to tell you is a big secret.." Alex sat on the bed.

"What is it?.." I looked at him confused.
"Well, I saw Max had stopped limping yesterday" Alex paused before continuing and lowered his voice.
" He went into his car and drove off without his mother knowing. The smart ass I am, I followed him to find Diamond and Leafy.
Diamond said that they were going to hurt your dad first and then your mom and lastly you.."

My eyed widened, I was shocked. "I am trying to protect you Stephanie. I'd never harm you" he held my hands and stared into my eyes.

"B-But.." I spoke quietly and he interrupted me.
"Stephanie- Just one thing okay? Promise me you won't tell anyone okay? Promise me.." He held out his pinky finger.

"Okay.." I pinky sweared and happiness spread across his face.


I looked down to find a text from Skye. Skye hasn't spoken to me in forever.

"Hey Stephanie. I'm sorry I didn't speak to you in forever, I was busy" she sent a sad face along with her message.
"Can I ask what you were doing?" I replied.
"Yeah, I went to a bunch of classes out of school" Skye sent the picture of a school packet.

"You really believe her?" Alex asked me.
"Well, she is one of my good friends. Ofcourse I trust her" I wasn't hestitant.

Alex pulled his phone out and went on google and he found the exact packet that Skye had sent to me.

.  .  .
'So she is lying' I thought to myself. Alex looked at me and said "You see?"
I nodded and I tapped on the block button.

"Now we don't have to worry about her" Alex hugged me.

Alex looked out the window while I wasn't looking and mouthed something.
I backed off and looked at him confusingly.
"Alex? Why are you being weird?" I looked out the window to find the figure standing there with it's huge smile.
It didn't look human, it waved and it disappeared.

Alex's face was full of shame. "Oh! That was the friend I talked to you about by the way" he unlocked the door and walked out.
"H-He's the one who killed Destiny!" I was terrified.
"Him? He'd never do that. He goes to our school" Alex smiled.
"What's his name?.." I looked at him.
"AnonymousMouse" Alex and I both looked at him and he disappeared infront of us.

🍃Why Did We Promise?🍃Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora