Chapter 2: The Boy

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The boy and I were talking for almost a week now. We haven't met eachother in person yet but over the internet he is just the sweetest! He sends me goodmorning and goodnight texts. Whenever I have an issue he'd say the sweetest things to me to make me happy. He stopped talking to me after 5 days had passed and then this happened.


"Hey Steph, what you up to?" He sent another message my way
"Just asking~ because I am super bored"
I went to my laptop as quick as possible and began typing back a reply. I kept erasing and retyping my message because I wanted to sound cool.

"I am just chillin' boi" I cringed at my reply but I got a laugh out of him.
"Chillin'? People still say that?" He sent a laughing emoji.

"Whatever" I rolled my eyes and smiled. It said he was typing and then it had disappeared, he than began typing again.
"Hey, are you open to a skype call?"
A huge smile had appeared on my face. I am about to see the guy who I've talked to almost every week.
"Yes! Definitely! What's your name on skype?" I asked.
"NinjaTurtle35.." He sent one of those crying emojis and I began dying of laughter.

"Ninja Turtles lmao?"
"Yes, I was a kid okay?"
'Pf- he is so cute, he is always thinking he's so bad-ass but he's such a dork'

I went onto my skype and searched his name up. He accepted my request and I messaged him on there.
"Call me!"
He replied;
"No, you call me."

I called him and ran behind my chair, hiding from the camera. When the video came up I died.
I thought he was an angel that just had fallen from Heaven.
His voice was not so deep but he was so adorable.

"Stephanie?" He looked around for me but I felt too ugly for him and stayed hidden

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"Stephanie?" He looked around for me but I felt too ugly for him and stayed hidden. "Stephanie" he paused before speaking again, he looked around the room and then spoke. "Are you hiding behind the chair?" He laughed so adorably it gave me butterflies in my stomach.
"Y-Yeah.." I spoke quietly. 
"Why?" He smiled.
"Because I am ugly.." I peaked a little.
"Pfft~ I doubt it Stephanie, plus even if you weren't so good looking I'd never leave you. Looks are not what I go for" he rested his head down on his desk and he stared at me as I slowly walked away from the chair.
"You look so cute" he chuckled and I blushed slightly.
"I-I am not cute, I am rad"
"Rad?" he asked.
"Yes, rad.."
"You're too cute" he laughed.

I thought about something for a few minutes and asked him "why did you say you were in my school? I never seen you before.." I asked curiously.
"Well, you know. I actually didn't get into the school yet, one of my friends go there though. I am going to go next week okay?"
"Okay- one more question.. You never gave me your name" I twirled in my chair.
"Alex Ridder" he grinned.

"Alex Ridder, sweet" I let out a sweet silent laugh. "You will love our school, well depending on who you meet" I suggested a few of my good friends.
"Nice" he looked at me differently. Not in a bad way but as if he was just lost.
"What are you looking at?" I asked.
"I am just" he paused "just a bit tired" he closed his eyes.
"Go to sleep then" I chuckled and he opened his eyes again.
"I can't sleep right now"
"Because I'm speaking to you" I blushed again.
"I'll see you next week" he gave one last smile and ended the call. I began dying on the inside of how perfect he was in my eyes.

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