Chapter 4: Questions Upon Questions

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The bell finally rang again. I'm finally out of that hell hole. I've been answering a lot of questions about Alex and I'm getting tired of it.
I walked out of the classroom exhausted, not even caring  about what was for homework and I bumped into Leafy.

"Get the hell out of my way freak" she pushed me into the lockers. "I swear, if you ruined my outfit with your disgusting trashy clothes I'd beat the hell out of you" she walked ahead and then looked back at me one more time.
"By the way, Alex and I are seeing each-other" she laughed loudly as her friends walked along with her.

I shook my head and couldn't help myself but cry. As tears streamed down my face I ran outside and sat on the bench, covering my eyes so no one witnessed.
I didn't know why I was crying, I didn't have any official feelings for Alex which confused me. I just felt like crying and that was it.

Max walked towards me and leaned against the wall beside me.
"Why are you crying?" He threw his cigarette into the grass and I ignored him.
"Come on, I am your friend. Talk to me please?" He sat beside me on the bench and placed his hand on my shoulder.
"I-It's nothing Max.." I looked up at him and it was the first time seeing him worry.
"Is it that boy? Alex?" He rolled his eyes. "No! Not at all! It's just- I don't know okay?" I looked down once more.
"Oh, I was about to kick his ass for you" Max looked at me so differently.
My face got red from embarrassment, or was it because I was embarrassed~ maybe I was just flustered.
"Listen.." he pinched my cheeks.
"Everything will be fine okay? You've got me and Skye by your side" he wiped my tears and stood up, dusting his shoulders he walked off pulling out another cigarette.

I looked at him as he walked off and I smiled, so happy that I had friends like that. I stood up and walked home with my backpack in one arm. I sat down on my bed and I took out the invitation card.  Looking at the date the party was and it was written on the bottom right saying 'This Friday, Aka Tomorrow' I laughed at how stupid it was that there was no exact date on this except for the fact that it was on a Friday.


The notification startled me a little bit and I looked at my phone, realizing it was Skye spamming me with my name.

"What?" I replied in bold text.
"Video call me now! I have something to tell you!" She wrote back in bold letters.
I tapped on the video call icon in the corner of the screen and then there was Skye, smiling slightly at the camera.

I tapped on the video call icon in the corner of the screen and then there was Skye, smiling slightly at the camera

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"What do you need Skye?" I placed my phone down on my bed and put her on speaker.
"Alex is going to the party correct?! So what are you going to wear?! Don't be stupid" she hopped up and down excitedly.
"He's probably going with Leafy.." I buried my face into my pink floral pillow.
"What?! I highly doubt that. Who told you he was with Leafy?" She asked curiously.
"And who said I was with him? Same question and no answer"I turned around.
"Wait a second- Alex is already hooking up with Leafy?! Are you fucking serious" she stopped smiling and looked furious.
"It's fine Skye, I don't blame him. Look at me" I re-buried my face into my pillow.
"That bitch probably has sexually transmitted diseases"
She crossed her arms angrily.
"Whatever Skye"
Skye jolted up and looked me dead in the eye.
"Expect your best friend at your house in a few!" She ended the call.

'Skye is so crazy' I thought to myself. I walked down the stairs to my mom jamming to Our type of music.
"She said Hola Como Estas She said Konichiwa-"
I looked at her scared for my life.
"Mom, are you okay?" I walked to the fridge, grabbing a bottle of water.
"Yes, this music you listen to is so fire! Laugh out loud!" She dabbed which made the cringe come out of me.
"Mom- Just stop Please.." I swear I've never seen my mom this way before.

I walked out of the house and I saw Skye walking down the street.
"You have to tell me everything!" Skye walked up to me and shook me.
"Woah! Calm down Skye~ Trust me I will" I smiled and we both walked into my room.
Skye sat on my bed, crisscrossing. She had a mini container of apple sauce and a mini bottle of water.
"So, what's up with you and Alex. Did something go wrong?" She opened up her plastic spoon.
"No, nothing happened.. it's just Leafy told me-" Skye cut me off. "You're saying that Leafy told you that Her and Alex are together?" She looked shook.
"Well-.." I spoke nervously.
"Don't trust that pathetic bitch, she's just jealous because you have a hottie after you, plus if Alex was with her than he has a terrible taste in bitches, and I mean Terrible!" She licked the rest of the applesauce off the spoon.
"Pf- I don't even think he likes me.." I looked out the window.
"Don't be dramatic Steph! I bet he does like you. I mean at least you have a humble heart" she patted my shoulder.
"Thank you Skye.." I looked back at her and then I remembered;
"How about the party?! What the hell am I going to wear?!"
"That's what I am here for silly goose"
Skye rolled her eyes before continuing. "Plus, one more thing, if he is with her than ignore him throughout the party" she punched my shoulder.

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