Chapter 5: Party Gone Wrong

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Skye and I talked for almost 5 hours about the same topic and she fell asleep at my house. I don't know how we make it through 5 hours, we're weird that way but anyways, it was time for the party it was finally Friday and this day was going to be the best day of my life. Well.. That's what I thought.

Skye curled my hair and I put on my black eyeliner and then my pink flower crown.
I didn't put any other things like lipstick or anything more to my face.
I took the dress I was going to wear and showed it to Skye. Skye smirked at me and then nodded

 Skye smirked at me and then nodded

Ops! Esta imagem não segue nossas diretrizes de conteúdo. Para continuar a publicação, tente removê-la ou carregar outra.

"Hopefully it's not too much.." I looked at Skye nervously. She smiled and shook her head. "You look beautiful Stephanie. Now let's go an work our new dresses" Skye grabbed my wrist and walked out of the house with me.
A black car drove in front of us and I was shocked that Skye had everything planned out.
Max's head peeked out of the car window. "Come on, we will be late~" He got out of the car and opened the door for us and we sat inside.

The car parked in front of Diamonds house. The house was lit up, people dancing because of the loud music. A bunch of teenagers my age were hanging outside on the porch and some in the pool and a bunch were just scattered everywhere.

I got out of the car with Skye and Max and we all walked into the house.
"You guys made it!" Diamond was so happy, she hugged us all.
"Yup, thanks for inviting us" Skye hugged her back and Diamond whispered something into her ear.
We weren't sure of what she said and it didn't matter as much at this time.
"Make yourself at home" Diamond smiled and walked off.
Max had already disappeared and Skye had walked off without saying goodbye.

'Hm- weird' I sat on the couch and took out my phone. I searched for new tweets but no one I followed tweeted yet. I began to wonder where Alex was and looked at my surroundings.
I didn't see him which sort of confused me. I thought he was going to be here.

"Hey beautiful" a boy sat beside me, putting his arm around me and holding a glass of alcohol in the other.
I stood up disgusted and just walked as far as I could from him.
I went into the kitchen, a bunch of people were in my way and I had to push myself through them.
I saw Alex sitting on the counter, speaking to Leafy.
I walked towards him and waved.
"You haven't texted me at all" I said nervously.
"Oh. Sorry..I was busy with homework" he scratched behind his head.
"Oh! Of course. But- for the whole day?" I glanced at Leafy and Leafy smirked.

"Well-" Alex had a face of guilt.
"Well he and I had to study together since we had the same exam" Leafy interrupted him. "He will definitely get an A in the class, that I can promise" she put both hands on her hips, sending a nasty look at me.

"Oh.." A tear rolled down my face.
"N-No! Not like that. We were just studying I promise!" He got off the counter.
"Don't lie Alex" Leafy winked.
"I really have nothing to do with her!" The crowd gave us all the attention.
"No.. it's fine Alex. You're a free man, do what you have to do" I wiped the tears off of my face and walked out of the house.
I walked down the street sobbing.
"Stephanie!" A voice called out behind me.

I kept walking. I ignored everything and crossed the street.
I looked to my side to see a really bright light coming my way, as the light slowly disappeared there was huge truck at full speed going at me. The driver honking the horn continuously in a loop.

Everything went black.

I couldn't hear anything or move..

🍃Why Did We Promise?🍃Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora