🍃Chapter One: Pretty Girl🍃🥀

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   Before I was 10 my parents had decided to relocate from Nebraska to Jersey. I've hated the idea but, let's just say I had no say in this decision. It's okay though, because if it never had happened, I'd never would've met my two best friends Skye Willis and Max Oggler. Skye Willis is an older sister of two, Henry Willis who's 8 years of age and Kendra Willis who is still 4 years old. Skye and I became best friends in a day, she wasn't hard to get but Max on the other hand was a complete asshole. One day, we both got into trouble for disturbing the class with our arguing and we became friends in detention. When our teacher was asleep, we both looked at each other with a smirk and drew a mustache on her face and ran out of the room as quickly as possible.
Our friendship was real until a few weeks passed. There was something evil,terrifying, and mysterious and it's called the internet.
I put on my headphones and plugged it into my apple laptop, turning the music up to almost the maximum volume level, not caring about losing my sense of hearing. I tapped on my Twitter to check on what's going on in people's daily lives and the first thing that came up was a tweet that Max had tweeted last night at around 8 to 9:42. "Last nights party was fire! I don't mind going to another one~ hook me up #Wonderoma"
  I curiously clicked on the hashtag and it lead me to some girls page. She wasn't just any girl, this girl had beautiful blonde hair and she wore a choker, nose piercing and glasses. She looked like one of those tumblr girls with her gray alien shirt. She went by the name Wonderoma and her real name was Anna Wolen as put in her biography. I couldn't find any other pictures of Anna on her profile which was kind of strange and closed out of the page.
"Stephanie, what in the world are you up to now? You aren't being weird on the internet now correct?" My mom walked into my room unexpectedly with flour on her top and on her face. I looked at her with such a confused face "Mom! I would never do that kind of thing!"
"I know you wouldn't dear, I was just messing with ya'" she laughed and sat down beside me on my bed.

   "Whatchya' up to now?" She put my hair in a bun and smiled, waiting for an answer.

"Just- teenage things mom, don't worry about it" I sat up and closed my laptop a bit frustrated.

"No need to be upset, I made waffles downstairs" She kissed my cheek and stood up, glancing at me before she left. "I love you, okay?" She smiled before speaking again "I am serious"

"I love you too mom" I grinned and she walked off. Ping!~ my phone notifications lit up beside me and I jolted up seeing if it was Skye who messaged me.

"What you doing right now you freak?" Skye's text messages were always followed by a bunch of irrelevant emojis.

"Nothing, just in my room being a usual derp" I sort of laughed at my text, actually I laughed okay? Is that weird?

"Ah, sweet! Guess who I bumped into today"
"Who did you bump into today Skye?"
"Aiden Luck ;)" Skye sent a few heart emojis.

"Aiden! What?! What the hell happened?!" I sent excitedly. "He said he will invite you to some ice cream later ;) I am 100% sure he's crushing my dear"

I was shocked that my crush actually liked me, I mean what is there to like. I rolled on my bed, silently squealing at the message.

"Stephanie, have you seen my keys?" My dad entered the room and then out in a second.
"No, I haven't- plus! Why would your keys be here?" I asked confusingly

"Because.." he paused "Oh! Found them! They were in my pocket all this time!" He walked out of the house without turning back.

"I'll text you later okay Skye?" I sent the text message and closed my eyes, taking a deep breath and then letting it all out.

Then as I got out of my bed two notification bells went off.
I checked and it was a reply from Skye saying "okay" and a comment on a picture I took a month ago.
"Hey, we go to the same school, I wanted to get to know you better but I don't have the guts to say it in person you know? So this is how it'll be"

The comment was kind of weird but I strangely accepted it. I replied to the comment saying "alright, but watch your limits"

🍃Why Did We Promise?🍃Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ