#25: Gabriel/Baylie for LoveTheGirlWhoDreams!

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Baylie sighed. Nothing was coming up on the local legends of Houston, Texas, where her latest hunt led her. Just then, a flutter of wings was heard. Her shoulders tensed, she knew who it was.

"Hey, girly." Gabriel greeted casually, striding over to the desk Baylie was working at.

She blushed slightly and looked back down at the newspaper article. "Sorry, I'm kind of busy."

The archangel frowned, obviously not happy with the answer. "You don't have time for me?" He asked, mocking hurt.

Baylie tensed again, this time more guilty than flustered. "I'm sorry..."

"Uh, well, it's fine, I was just joking, haha, uh, yeah." Now he was the one who was flustered, silently cursing the girl for looking absolutely endearing and making him jumpy. Gabriel looked at her with sympathy because he had to admit, that guilt trip was a dick move, even for him. Most things he did were dick moves anyway, he mused grimly. "I was just wondering if you'd take a break from this, and, well you could still work on it, but I'd help you- and we could go get some shitty coffee from Tarfucks or something. You know. Normal human things." Gabriel suggested.

She giggled. "Yeah, alright. But it's called Starbucks- not Tarfucks."

He shrugged and stuck his hands in his pockets. "Eh. Same thing, right?" Baylie nodded. "Anyway, what's with the whole 'hipster' thing anyway? What are they, Satanists?"

"No, Gabriel, they're just-" She tried hard to explain it in a way he'd understand that was nice. "They think they're better than everyone because they're different and they usually have those weird glasses, scarves, and tattoos. You've seen some, right? I think everyone has."

Gabriel nodded, comprehending some of it. "Yeah, I have. If they were really anti-normal, they wouldn't wear those damned skinny jeans. Anyway, don't all humans pride themselves on being unique snowflake princesses? I'm pretty sure Cas is one of those hipster-thingies."

Baylie just laughed. "Yeah, okay."

((Sorry it's so short I'm really busy and still have another to do! *bows* Gomenasai!))

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