"That 188 centimeters is wasted on him,"

So his teammates noticed it too. I make two columns of what could and what won't motivate him. Teammate motivation is a no. I listen to him reject an offer to practice with one of the top 5 spikers in the country. So not even famous players can get him to play.

I slink around the corner of the sheet metal walkway that Tsukishima storms down. I watch him carefully thinking of what could motivate him. He seems pretty stubborn so I wouldn't put it out of character to give into a little taunting.

Yamaguchi runs towards him screaming his name. "Ever since we were kids, the way you dealt with things in such a cool manner and it always made me jealous," Yamaguchi rests his hands on his knees and catches his breath.

Tsukishima looks over his shoulder stoically, "Your point?" Yamaguchi stands up and points his index finger at him. "You've been acting pretty pathetic lately!" I cover my mouth to prevent myself from snickering at Tsukishima's dumbstruck face.

"Hinata might be the small giant someday but you can still beat him! Why not use your skills to prove that!? You have height, brains, and intuition, why do you draw a line that anywhere past it is impossible!"

He furrows his eyebrows and his mouth turns further down than it usually is. In a bitter whisper, "What gives you people this motivation?,"

"You'll never be the best! You'll fall short eventually," he says louder. I scribble down the smaller boy's name in the possible category. "Motivation," Yamaguchi says quieter. He suddenly grabs the other boy by the collar of his white shirt and roared, "WHAT DO YOU NEED MORE THAN PRIDE?!"

My eyes widen a small amount at his sudden outburst. I really hope this doesn't turn into an altercation. Luckily, Yamaguchi lets go of him.

"I never thought I'd see the day when you became such a cool guy," I squint in confusion. Huh? Yamaguchi looks just as confused as I do. "Still I can't agree you just yet. Let me ask," the blond stalks off to gym 3.

I move from my hiding spot right past Yamaguchi. I feel a hand on my shoulder and I jerk away. I whip my head around just to see Yamaguchi. I relax my shoulders, "Yes?"

He blinks a few time, "Uh, d-did you hear all of that?" I nod. "Every bit of it actually," He shudders visibly. "But thanks to you I'm learning what motivates him, thanks," I muse as I follow after Tsukishima.

"It because you're not good enough," I enter the gym. "I've been to nationals three times and once you feel that... You'll instantly get hooked on volleyball," Bokuto rants. I slip in and rest my back against the wall with a hidden smirk. I could tell his expression even if all I can see is the back of his head.

"He's right," I say boldly. The player turn to me all at once. "When I went to nationals my second year of middle school, I instantly knew that volleyball was more than just a club," I shove my hands into my jacket pockets.

"And that same game, I was recruited for the girls' U 18 team," I feel Kuroo drape his sweaty arm around my shoulder, "One of the youngest players on the team too since most girls didn't get scouted until 3rd year middle school or first year high school," I roll my eyes, "That's beside the point. Anyway, I'll make sure you get to feel the same thing Bokuto and I felt on that national stage,"

"Now let's play!" Bokuto shouts. I nudge Tetsu, "Demolish and rebuild him," he smirks and nods. I sit on the sidelines with my pen ready to watch the 'show'. The practice starts after he relays my message to Bokuto and Akaashi. Bokuto grins like a maniac making Tsukishima raise a brow. I watch as his blocks get blown to pieces by Bokuto time after time until Kuroo offers his help.He accepts it begrudgingly eventually. I watch Tetsu teaches him and make notes on his slight change in behavior. So far so good, he's responding well.

Run, jump, block. Run, jump, block. I watch them over and over despite my heavy head. Sleep can wait. 

Third POV

Chihiro lets her eye rest for a moment when she feels a twinge behind her drooping eyes. Closing her eyes for a moment turned into a nap and a nap turned into much needed deep sleep.

"Keep your arms straight!" Kuroo instructs, looking up at Tsukishima. His float down to the sleeping girl against the wall. Her heavy head slung to the side and her clipboard in her hand. He notices a minuscule shiver and recalls that the A/C is on full blast and she didn't have her usual Karasuno jacket on. 

He sees that the other three are caught up doing something so he trots over and drapes his Nekoma jacket over her small figure but not before snapping a quick blackmail photo. He returns to the game for a little while longer to see if she would wake up. Tsukishima is the first to notice the white and red jacket over her, but he doesn't say anything. However, he silently wonders if those two are or were a thing.

Bokuto spikes into the blockers and the ball shoots to the side. "Whoo!" he stretches. The four grab a water bottle. "You're doing a lot better, I'd say," Kuroo says to the blonde. The two Furkurodani  students nod in agreement.

They talk about a few things before Kuroo dismisses himself. "Well, I'm gonna call it night. I need to deliver something to the managers anyway," he smirks, indicating the sleeping coach. He walks over to her and hooks one arm under her knees and one arm across her back just under her shoulders. Her hands rest neatly in her lap and her head flops onto his chest.

"Falls asleep whenever and wherever she is," he chuckles a little. He sigh, "Well, I'm off," he pivots on his heels and heads out the door, careful not to hit her legs on the door frame.

"Those two are pretty close, huh?" Bokuto asks once he believes Kuroo is out of earshot. "Kenma and Kuroo are the only people she is truly close to from what I've seen," the blond adds.

"No one, not even the people at Karasuno are able to get close to her they way those two do," Bokuto elbows him. "Someone got a crush? Huh?" he asks excitedly. He simply shakes his head. "It curiosity if it's anything," he scoffs.

"She's hiding something and we want to know,"

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