"I'm everyone's best friend" I laughed, jokingly.

"That can't be possible if you have no friends"

I fake gasped and John began to laugh hysterically. I would've laughed with him but all I could think about was how adorable he looked when he laughed. His big smile and uncountable number of freckles and his curls bouncing like Philip's. I never noticed these things back when we met or started dating, I was a little study crazy so when he laughed I just pondered over how mandibles looked during that process.

"Ok you take that back right now!" I tried my best to sound as angry as possible but couldn't hold in a laugh.

"Okay, okay I'm sorry" he giggled, now clutching his chest. "I love y-"

And that's when I locked eyes with a person merely meters a way from me, behind a tinted glass window of a car. And then it hit me. Figuratively and literally. The impact slammed my head backwards and dropped thousands of pieces of shattered glass all over me, each feeling like a needle piercing my skin. The rattling and ripping of metal rang in my ear before my head slammed against the steering wheel and I felt like my insides collapsed as everything in front of me flipped over. Then, everything froze, colours changing between black and red until I managed to regain control of my brain. I didn't realise tears were streaming from my eyes until I was able to pull my bleeding arm out from under a large piece of metal it was caught under. I unbuckled my seatbelt, falling from the seat and pushing debris out of the way as I pulled myself out using my arms. And then I saw it. I saw why I fell down instead of just sitting up. The car was flipped over, completely crushed. Between the screams of people watching and calling nine one one I ran to the front of the car, screaming John's name. But I heard nothing back. I looked through the passenger seat window but I couldn't see him. I felt everything get blurry and the sky got further away and black came spilling back into view.


Peggy's POV

Maria was setting up Disney movies on the DVD player when I got a phone call.

"Hi! This is Peggy Schuy-" I got interrupted by an unfamiliar voice.

"Is this Margarita Schuyler?"

"This is she" I responded.

"You're our emergency contact for both John and Alexander Hamilton?" The man said calmly. My breathing suddenly stopped before I swept away irrational thoughts. It's not like they died or anything, I'm sure.

"They've both been unfortunately involved in a fatal car accident and we need you to get to the hospital as fast as possible" they said, still calmly, like it didn't effect them at all, as if it hardly mattered. I guess that's what happens when you spend every day of your life calling strangers and informing them that their loved ones might be dead.

"A- a what?" I asked, voice trembling. I felt my eyes burn up and my throats began to feel closed up. Maria stared at me before rushing to my side.

"They've been in a car accident. You need to get to the hospital" he repeated.

"O-okay" I ended the call and stuffed my phone in my jean pocket before hurrying to the door.

"Peggy! What is it?" Maria inquired, worry more than evident in her face.

"Alex. John. hospital. Now" I said through gulps. Her eyes widened and she almost yelled after Philip to get his shoes on before we rushed out the door and to the car.


"Peggy, baby I'm sure- I'm sure it's okay" Maria tried to comfort me while I sobbed. I could tell she wanted to cry from the sound of uncertainty and amount of quavering in her voice but she didn't because she's never allows it.

"PEGGY! MARIA!" I heard Eliza scream, she rushed through the elevator doors with Angelica, Lafayette and Hercules behind her. "Where are they? Where's John? Alex? Is Philip alright? What happened? Where? Who?" She practically screamed, already pacing in front of us. I lurched forward and sobbed into her chest. "No sweetie I'm sorry. Peggy I'm sorry. I just-"

"Car crash. We don't know anything else" Maria blurted. Her hands were balled into fists and she kept biting her lip to stop tears. Angelica enveloped her in a tight hug while Laf and Hercules hugged Philip- who wasn't too sure of what was going on but knew well enough.


"Are you all friends of John and Alex Hamilton?" A nurse asked a few hours later. He gave us a small smile as we all sat in our chairs.

"This is their son and he rest of us are friends" Eliza informed, pointing at Philip.

"We're going to send him to one of our small daycare rooms because we know it can be a little traumatic seeing someone close to you in the- uh state that one of his parents is in" He muttered. New to the job, or maybe just compassionate. I assumed. "I'll lead you to Alexander Hamilton's room first as he's just woken up and is completely fine other than a few scars. He's very lucky."

We rushed to the room after reluctantly dropping Philip off at one of the daycare rooms. I was first to walk in, hand in hand with Maria, only letting go when I got a glimpse of Alex's smile- one that I believed just a few minutes ago that I wouldn't see in a long time. I hugged him tightly, trying not to wet his shirt with tears. He didn't say anything as each member of our little family embraced him and neither did anyone else. He sat on the edge of the bed smiling until he started sobbing suddenly. We hugged him and let him cry a bit before explaining.

"Um, do you know how John is?" He asked with a small voice, almost like he was a shy child, scared, afraid. We all knew what the nurse said. We remembered that he wasn't well enough for Philip to see, which couldn't be good. We quickly glanced at each other before nodding.

"No- we don't know" Laf lied, not wanting to upset Alex anymore than he already was. "Sorry mon ami" Alex nodded and I wondered if he knew we were lying, trying to cover up the little information that we knew. Thankfully, before any of us blurted out the truth, the nurse came to take us to John's room. I rested my head on Maria's shoulder and wrapped my arms around her waist comfortingly. I don't know which one of us it was meant to comfort.

The nurse opened the door for us and we saw nurses and a doctor already inside, looking at monitors and tubes pumping blood. I couldn't stand to look at it any longer and I don't think anyone else could since I felt Hercules squeeze my hand harshly as he turned away. Maria looked at me in the eyes and smiled a little before moving my gaze back to John, he had bandages on his head and arms with stains from blood seeping through. Then an almost deafening beep screeched and the nurses and doctor started yelling for some reason. It was all a cluster of noise and beeping and movement. The nurse that guided us in pushed us all or hurriedly, yelling something before slamming the door in our faces.


And as always, after a chapter like this, I say the following words;

Throw whatever you want at me, I deserve it.

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