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My dad sped down the road to our house. The wind blew strong in my face as the car twisted and turned. Finally we reached home. My dad yanked me out of the car roughly pulling me inside. He threw me to the floor and slammed the door shut. "What the fuck do you think your doing over there at that faggot home." I thought I taught you better. Thought that you wouldn't like taking it up the ass after seeing how rough it could be but I guess not." Blow after blow was delivered​ to my body until it felt like I couldn't breathe. My dad grabbed me by my hair and dragged me to the kitchen he smashed my head against the counter leaving a gapping cut on my forehead and a busted lip. He smashed my head one more time into the tile and then began to kick me repeatedly he stopped and stomped right on my head.
"Fucking disgusting." And with that he turned to leave. I passed out.
My vision was blurry. I opened my eyes to find that I was still on the cold tile floor of my kitchen. I shivered and pushed my self up. I groaned, everything hurt. I lifted up my shirt to see multiple​ bruises and a cut with dry blood along my chest. I got up to my feet the room spun around me and I leaned over and retched in the sink. After catching my balance I washed it down and made my way to the upstairs bathroom.
I turned on the light and was greeted by a light that was much to bright. I braced my self against the sink and looked in the mirror. I looked like shit a busted lip and a giant gash on my forehead. How was I supposed to see Cole. I sighed and sat down on to the toilet. My eyes lit up as I remember the white baggy. I pull it out and lay 4 lines on the counter and toss the bag in the trash. I snorted them up like they where candy. I immediately felt better. I pushed myself​ off the to let and headed to my room. I flopped down on my bed and looked  up to the celling.  I closed my eyes hopping I wouldnt wake up.

I did.

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