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Ashton said P.O.V

I woke up around 2:00 and Cole's entire house was dark. The moonlight shone in through the windows and I could see the shadow of a tree from outside. I got off the the bed it made a creaking noise and I paused to make sure Cole hasn't woken up. After being reassured that he was in fact asleep I picked up my jeans from the floor and pull on my shirt. I Open Cole's door and step into the dark hallway I look through my jeans.
Finally finding what I'm looking for I pull a joint and a lighter from my jeans and throw them back into Cole's room before shutting the door. Tonight had been great but my back was killing me. This would help. "Fuckin ribs" I muttered walking downstairs. The kitchen is dark and quiet. I like it. It's calming.
I stand in the darkness of the kitchen a minute before going outside. The pool light illuminates the whole yard giving it a bluish tint. I stand near the pool. I sigh and take out the joint. I light it. About 45 minutes later I feel it start to hit. I sit back and lean over in to the pool. My reflection is mangled. Like a dog who's been on the streets for years.
What's the difference.
My voice echos in my head. I cough, it hurts.
The porch lights turn on adding a new hue of light to the blue ones of the pool and I jump up quickly tossing my joint.
Shane walks outside. I sigh, at least it's not Cole.
"What are you doing up Ashton."
I looked at him and shrugged. Not wanting to talk unsure of how much sense I would make. If he found out I was high I'd be in deep shit.
I sat back down and continuted to look into the pool. I figured Shane would just go back inside but he sat down with me.
"So how's the birthday so far."
He asked. I coughed again. Mabey I should get that checked. I knew I couldn't avoid talking with this one.
"I uh- it's g-good." It sounded good. I fooled him. Shane gave me a look. My body betrayed me and I let out long stupid laugh. Shit. "Ashto-" He was cut off by a loud thump. A dark figure was jumping the fence. Whoever it was fell to the ground with a thud. He got up and stepped into the light of the pool.

Micheal Gaston.

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