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I woke up in the car with blood rushing out of my nose and mouth. I tried to say something but it came out as a gurgling sound that hurt like hell. Everyone in the car turned to me.  Shane was sitting with me in the back seat and Ashton and Joey in the front with Joey driving. Shane was immediately on me "it's ok where going to the hospital now your Ganna be fine. " I was instantly awake. "W..... I gurgled out blood spilling onto my chest. "Your fine it's ok where going to county Baptist where almost there your fine." My breathing stopped of all the hospital's it had to be that one. "" Shane looked like he was going to protest but nodded. "Alright but when we get home your Ganna tell us why." I nodded and Joey turned the car around.

We where driving home with out a word before Shane broke the silence. "Who was that Ashton, are you ok?" Ashton lifted his head up and smiled. Damn he was pretty.

"It was just and old boyfreind nothing to worry about." He sighed and let his smile drop a little.

"That wasn't nothing who was he why did you look so scared of him?!!" Shane raises his voice not ready to let this go.

Ashton sighed. "He would hit me that's all it was a long time ago I'm fine and it's over."

I didn't think he was telling Shane the whole truth. "And.." Shane said I guess hopping he would tell him more.
Ashton looked mad and yelled.
"AND NOTHING IT WAS A LONG TIME AGO!" He snapped at Shane.

Joey eyes widened at the sudden out burst he had been listening I guess. Ashton s eyes went wide with guilt.

"Oh..fuck...sorry..I shouldn't have said that...damit." He cursed at himself.  We rode the rest of the way in silence and when we got home he jumped out of the car got his skateboard and left.


Me Shane and Joey where In the house. Joey was looking over my face muttering things about how I should have gone to the hospital. I flinched at every little touch on my face. My body felt numb I was In so much pain. It took about an hour and a half to patch up my face. We where just finishing up and all I wanted to do was go to my room and sleep forever. But of course it's never that easy. I was walking up the stairs when Shane stopped me.

"No so fast Mr. Why did you not want to got to the hospital." I shrugged I couldn't tell them. "I just didn't want to go. It's nothing. I start to walk upstairs
Shane looks to Joey like lost puppy.  Joey looks up at me. "Look Cole you can't trust us and you have to tell us if there's something going on that we don't know about you have to tell us." I stop on the stairs. Nobody ever cared enough to keep asking questions. I felt like throwing up. "He touched me" my voice was barely a whisper.

I ran up to my room and shut the door. A few minutes later there's a knock on the door it's soft but I hear it. Joey and Shane come into the room. "Cole who touc-he-d you" Shane stutters. I look up. I guess it's there turn to look sick because Joey and Shane look like they could vomit. Tears flow openly down my face. "The doctor I dont know how but he was always the one to take me every the it was always him. He told me it was n-ormal, that it was OK. But it w-wasnt." I cough and blood comes up and onto my sheets. Joey was crying and Shane kept a firm hand on my back the whole time. "We will never go to that hospital again I promise you Cole." Joey cried. I nodded glad that at least one problem was out of my life. Joey cleaned up the blood from my sheets and Shane said that we should all just get some sleep. I nodded. They left my room.

"Happy birthday" I muttered to myself as I fell asleep.

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