Chapter 1

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Waking up is hard...always has been always will be. I've faced more of the dark side of the world than and 15 year old should have. I now resign my journey at an orphanage.

"Cole" I look up to see issac she's been my best freind since I got hear, he knows all about me.

"Hey issac" I say sitting up in bed.

"It's adoption day why are you still in bed?!"

The realization hits me like a ton of bricks.

"That's Today!"

"Uh yeah" issac says as if I was an idiot. I probably was. I can't belive I forgot about adoption day.

Pulling myself out of bed I walk to the bathroom. I comb my dirty blone hair even though it's dirty and pull on some jeans and a T-shirt.

Finnaly I'm ready and I walk downstairs with issac.

Comotion is buzzing around and I walk around confused of why everyone's so excited. Two men come up to me and start talking.

"Hi I'm Shane Dawson and this is my husband Joey Garceffa." The reddish orange haired man said .He reaches his hand out to shake and I immediately shy away. The last time anyone touched me it wasn't good.

"Um sorry...I just don't really like to be touched..."

Shane looks sympathetic then smiles and continues.
"That's fine if you'd like we would like to ask you a few questions."

"That's should be fine I'm Cole by the way." I say turning towards Issac only to see that he has run off somewhere.

The other man...Joey I think speaks up.

"Ok well let's see what's your favorite book, movie, and color."

I look away.

"I don't have one"

Joey looks at me sadly. "Why not?" He asks.

" my old home I wasn't allowed to express my didn't like it...."

They both have a sad look and there face before Shane asks "How would you like to be adopted."

The truth is I would love it but they would never adopt me I'm a screw up I'd just be a burden.

"I would love it but you don't want me you should pick a different kid that-"

Shane cuts me off "Your perfect and we'd like to adopt you would that be alright."

I look him in the eye. Mabry he does want me I smile just a bit.

"Yeah that would be fine."

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