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We arrived at our house at about 12:00 and Ashton could sleep over so we basically had quite a while to spend together. It was going to be great.
Once inside the house we immediately rushed Ashton to the kitchen. "Happy birthday!" we all shouted at once. He looked around taking everything in, there was cake and presents on the table with balloons every where. Ashton imeadetly looked at the cake. "Can we eat it!" He asked eargerly. Joey nodded and cut Ashton a slice.
He devoured it in a matter of seconds.
"Dang take it slowly there's more food coming later." I laughed at him. He looked up from his plate with frosting on his nose. "Ooh...." He blushed. Ashton set his plate down and wiped the frosting off his face. I walked over to Shane. "Can we give him his presents" I suspected. He nodded and I rushed over to the table and grabbed his presents.

Ashton P.O.V

I couldn't believe it. Good things where happining in my life finally and was going to enjoy them while I could. Cole handed me the first present, it was wrapped in a pretty blue color and a then white ribbon was fixed around it. I carefully untied the ribbon and removed the paper. It was a simple brown box with no designs on it. I paused for a minute before removing the lid. Inside was the most beautiful necklace I've ever seen. I picked it out of the box and looked at the engraving.

You are my everything.

I looked up at Cole with tears in my eyes. "Thank you." He smiled and took the necklace and began to put it on my neck. His hands found there way to the back of my neck then stopped. "Ashton what's that." Cole asked. I looked at him confused. "A hickey, there's a hickey on your neck." He said his voice a little louder.


y eyes widened in surprise. "I umm it-s shit." I stuttered looking down. I wanted to kill my father for doing that to me but I wanted to kill myself more for not covering it up. 

"Ashton what the hell!!!!" Cole was fumming now.

"Cole please I didnt cheat on you please." I was in hysterics now, I couldn't tell cole that it was my dad. I wouldn't have anything else. Cole looked on the verge of tears. "Who Ashton who...Please just tell me who where they better than me w-as it w-or-th it." His voice cracked.

"I DIDNT WANT IT OK!" I gasped and covered my mouth. But then let my hands fall to my sides it was to late it was over.

Shane looked at me the at Joey. Cole looked as if he was piecing it together then it was almost as if a cartoon lightbulb when off over his head and he looked as if he was going to throw up. 

"What do you mean you didn't want to....Did somebody force you." Joey asked. I looked up at him. His eyes showed so much sympathy. What did it matter I was used to it I just wish he would stop looking at me like that.

"I uh no I just...It was a party..He was all over me. I got him off when he started to uh unbott-on my pants."  Cole was crying now. I couldn't belive I just lied to him like that.

"Ashton I'm so sorry." He wrapped his arms around me. I pushed him off and wiped his tears.

"Hey why so glum, it's my birthday and I've only opened one present. I'm fine and I would tell you if I wasn't OK." I smiled at him.

He nodded. It was quiet for a minute before Cole went to grab another present. Soon we where back to laughing and playing around.

I knew that from then on I wouldn't let anything bad ever happened to Cole. Even if my world was crashing down around me. Hopefully.

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