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She and Joey burst through the door. "What did you do to him what happened" Shane yells at Ashton's face.  Ashton goes pale and backs away.

"" He manges to spit out.

Shane is still yelling at Ashton while Joey rushes over to me.

"What happened?" He asks in a gentle voice.

"Nothing we where going at it and I got scared and he got off me I promise." Joey nods and comforts me some more before turning around to stop Shane from yelling at Ashton.

"We where just making out an-"

Ashton is cut of by Joey punching him in the face. Ashton falls to the floor.

Joey rushes over to Shane. "Honey oh my god stop nothing happened." Shane's eyes go wide and he immediately starts apologising. "I'm so sorry oh my god...I hit a kid."

Ashton gets up from the floor and grins. "Wow Cole I thought your dad would be stronger."

Everyone in the room is to confused to speak until shane finally does. "I'm so sorry...I can drive you to your parents I'll even tell them what happened it was all my fault."

Ashton's eyes go cold. "No Ill walk home plus this is nothing I've had worse" he says touching the new bruise on the other side of his face. He was basically purple.

Joey and shane look at each other before continuing on. "Well you are welcome to stay for dinner."

Ashton gives them one of his signature grins. "I would be honored."

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