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Downstairs I can here Shane talking and then Joey bursts out into loud laughter.

"You should have came to me and I would have fixed it." I hear Joey say to Shane as I walk in. "Gross, take it to the bedroom." I say as I sit down at the table.

Joey and shane go quiet as if they've been caught. Then Shane coughs and speaks. "So we where thinking we would take you shopping for some things today, nothing much mabey a few clothes, shoes, mabey we could get your hair done. I nod while waiting for Shane to finish.

"No". I say getting up to put my plate in the sink. Joey starts to say something but I stop him. "Y'all are not buying me anything. You've already adopted me and that's all I can ask for."

Joey and Shane exange looks and then Shane speaks up. "We want to buy you stuff Cole because we love you."

I nod my head like I understand even though I dont. "Ok." I wisper.

A bit later we are in the car and driving to the mall. It's huge stores are everywhere. I pick out 13 new shirts and 6 pairs of jeans along with a few hats, underware, and socks.

We are in our way out when Joey drags me into yet another store. I look around and see that it's a hair salon. "No." I say as I begin to walk out. Joey grabs my arm and pills me back inside.

"Get whatever you want my treat." I nod as I wisper to the last what I want.

An hour later I'm walking out of the salon with light blue tips on my hair. Joey keeps saying how he loves it and Shane keeps saying how I look as he puts it "toats voge." I think it looks alright it's diffrent new.

A new life, a new Cole.

Ok so quick A/N i did change Emma's age because I felt like she was way to young. Anyway please vote and all that jazz thank you.

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