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We get to my house around 9:00 and I know Joey and Shane are ganna kill me but I don't care.

"This is it." I say as we walk up to the house. he pulls me in close and kisses me, I kiss back and am about to do it again when a sudden cough inturupts us.

I look up and Shane and Joey are standing there in there pajamas with just about the most confused looks on the planet.

And it's at that moment that I loose it. I couldn't help it I just thought about how all of this must look to them. Me kissing another guy and soaking wet in their drive way.

I stand there just laughing. Finally I die down and Joey and Shane usher is inside.

"Would any of you like to explain why y'all at are soaking wet and standing on the driveway at 9:00 kissing." Shane says once where sitting down.

Ashtons eyes go wide and she stands up from her seat like a rocket. "Oh god 9:00 I got to go. Im really sorry." She says and then turns to Shane and Joey and grins. "You're sons real hot." he says and then rushed out of the house leaving us in silince.

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