f o u r t e e n

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"Mia...Mia.....MIA!" I heard a voice calling my name and interrupting my sleep. "Five more minutes..." I said sleepily and rolling over.

"No get up now." Taehyung said as he threw a pillow at me. I decided to sit up and adjust to the sunlight.

"Get dressed and meet me in the living room." he said demandingly as he walked off. I yawned then I got up and put my clothes on.

I put on some skinny jeans and white shirt then decided what to do with my hair. I'll just let it out.

I came out into the living room and saw Taehyung waiting for me. "Finally." he said smiling embracing me in hug.

"This better be big because I didn't get out of bed for nothing." I said sleepily. He looked at me smiling like an idiot. "It will be big." He took my hand and lead me outside to his car. "My lady.." he said smiling and opening the door for me.

"Thank you Tae." I said jumping into the car. Taehyung soon hopped in and smiled at me. "So where are we going?" I asked curiously.

Taehyung looked over at me and smiled at me. "Not telling." he said starting up the car. I smiled to myself and looked at the window.

Before we left he put a blind fold on me. "Sorry almost forgot." he said. "I can't see!" I said whining.

"That's the point." he said laughing. I tried to softly punch him but I missed. "Aww your no fun." he said.

We soon arrived at our destination and it was quiet. Hmmm where are we.

Taehyung let himself out of the car and opened the door for me. He put his hands on my face and pulled off the blindfold.

I instantly smiled and saw that he brought me to a ice skating rink. "Your the best!" I said smiling at him. "But what about my arm.." I said pointing to it.

"We'll be careful but good point you brought up I should've had thought more better." he said looking down.

I than stood there for a while. How did he know I like to ice skate? I never told him.

"How did you know?" I asked while smiling. He  smiled then laughed. "Kat told me your ideal date so I kinda took idea's out of that." he said smiling.

Damn it Kat. I smiled at him while he took my hand. "Cmon lets go have some fun!" I said running towards the place dragging Tae along.

As soon we entered cold air hit my skin. "Ahh its a little cold. Maybe you should've told me to bring my hoodie." I said shivering.

Taehyung smiled. "I'll be your personal heater. When your cold I'll hug you and when I'm cold I'll hug you." he said grinning.

"Fair enough." I said before Taehyung started to hug me. I looked at him when he pulled away. "I was cold..." he said laughing.

I grinned at him. "Cmon let's get our skates." I said taking his hand. As I lead him into the line he started to act a bit weird. "Are you okay?" I asked him.

He nodded but somehow I wasn't convinced. I looked over at him and he was looking at this girl on the ice skating around.

I looked at her for a moment she looked like someone I have seen before. "Do you know her?" I asked him confused.

He looked over at me and nodded. "Yeah but don't worry it's just us. A day dedicated to us." he said pulling me in for a hug.

I pushed away. "Tae if this day is going to be successful your gonna tell me who she is." I say to him.

He sighed. " Don't get jealous or anything but I used to date her. Her name is Miyoung..." he said watching her.

I watched her skate and turn. She stopped and went to take a break and exited the rink. She looked around and pulled her hair out while she took a drink from her bottle. She took a second look and saw Taehyung. Her eyes widened then locked with mine and she smiled.

"Lets go!" I said trying to sound positive so I could get my skates and show her what I'm made of.

Okay I admit I'm jealous. I always imagined the ex girlfriends in real life would be the ones in the movies and books. Mean and complete bitch but she looked nice and innocent. No wonder Taehyung used to date her.

"Your jealous." Taehyung said snapping me back to reality while he smirked at me. "What? No.." I said grabbing my skates and putting them on.

As soon as they were on my feet Taehyung helped me up and linked arms with me. "Sure whatever you say."he said leading me onto the ice.

As soon as we were on he was skating off around and accidentally knocking over little kids. As forgivenesses he let them trail behind him making a massive line.

I giggled. He was good with little kids even seemed like one himself. He skated over with me and grabbed my hand and skated together. "Do I have any other surprises?" I asked skating with him.

He smiled then laughed. "I'll guess you'll have to wai-" "Ouch ahhh..." I had seen Taehyung had accidentally knocked over a girl.

He looked over at me. "Well help her up Taehyung..." I said noticing it was Miyoung. She locked eyes with Taehyung and blushed while I just stood there.

"It's been a while V." she said. He smiled a bit scratching the back of his neck. "Ahh yeah I could say the same..." he said helping her up. V? What is V?

"Thanks." she said brushing off the ice. "This is Mia." Taehyung said introducing me to her. I gave her a small quick wave as she smiled. "I'm Miyoung." she said waving bye and going off.

"Bye." Taehyung said smiling. "She seems to like you." he said. I smiled at him and nodded. "I just need to go to the bathroom." I said leaving him by himself.

I took off my skates and entered the toilets. I entered the nearest cubicle to do what I needed to do then exited and saw Miyoung enter.

She was crying and I pulled her aside. "Are you okay?" I asked. She faked a smile and said "I'm fine." trying to push past.

"No your not. What's up?" I asked. "Taehyung. I come here all the time because it's what we used to do to past the time. It holds a lot of memories..." she said sobbing. " This is where he declared his 'love' for me and where we broke up."

I nodded while she continued."It's emotional to see him here doing what me and him used to do with you. I'm not jealous by the way..." she said.

"But he only ended up hurting me not in the end the whole time." she said while I hugged her. "Just promise me you won't get hurt." she said.

I nodded. Taehyung has got a lot of explaining to do when we get out of here.

lost| k. taehyungTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang