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A few hours I woke up in a unfamiliar house but then I realised I was in Taehyung's house. I got up and put my uniform on and then I got up and walked out into the lounge room.

Taehyung was watching TV and he was under the blanket. "Taehyung are you ready for school?" I asked. He shot a look at me then he got up.

He was shirtless and wow he was I mean I don't know how to describe it. Maybe god like.

He smirked at me. "Stop being a pervert Mia." he said jokingly. I laughed and blushed . "Take it as a compliment." I said.

He got up and put his shirt on and then went into his room to find a new pair of pants. He came out later and stood in front of me.

"What do ya think?" he said. "Same as usual..." I said. I went to fetch my bag and then waited for Taehyung. He was pacing around his room looking for something.

"Lost something?" I asked leaning against the frame of the door. He looked at me. " maybe......" he said. "What?" I asked. "Don't laugh but my teddy is lost." he said as he sat on the edge of his bed.

I couldn't contain my laughter. "A teddy but you have so many plushy toys." I said. He pouted. "But he special."

I sighed. "Find him later come on we are going to be late." I said taking his hand and walking him out the door. He was very quiet and sad about his... teddy.

On the way to school I walked past my house and thought about what happened last night. A tear slid down my cheek as I past the house and Taehyung looked at me.

"Aww Mia. I know how it feels to loose that special place or thing." he said hugging me. I buried my face in his chest.

As we continued to walk I wiped away my tears with a tissue that Taehyung had given me. Suddenly he stopped.

I looked up at him and he looked at me. "Lee is there and it's the only way to get to school. "he said. "Just go along with my plan."

I nodded and fastened my pace. Lee saw us and walked over with his friends. "Ahhh if it isn't Mia and her 'boyfriend'." he said laughing at us.

"Actually we are dating." said Taehyung. I nodded then looked up at him. "WHAT?" me and Lee said at the same time.

Taehyung nodded. That boy is gonna get me killed.

Lee smirked then talked to his friends and turned back to us. "Okay so if you are dating hug." he said. Before I could even exchange glances Taehyung lifted me up and hugged me while I wrapped my legs around his waist.

Taehyung put me down. " Can we go now?" I asked. Lee shook his head. "Kiss then to prove it."

Me and Taehyung looked at each other in the eyes. In my mind I was saying no but my heart was screaming yes.

He turned to me and our eyes met. We stared for a few seconds which felt like hours. Taehyung leaned in getting closer and closer by the second. Soon our faces were inches away.

He gazed down at my lips and I looked at his. They were so kissable and irresistible. I soon felt his lips on mine in sync with mine for a few seconds then he pulled away blushing and going back to tough Taehyung.

My heart wanted to fall on the ground at that point in time. My face was uncontrollable and I was blushing.

"Anything else?" Taehyung asked raising his eye brows. Lee looked shocked and walked off. "Good next time I'm not going to be too nice about it."he yelled out to Lee as he took my hand.

Lee turned and glared at me but to be honest I couldn't care less. My mind was racing with thoughts and excitement. Taehyung looked down at me.

"Umm sorry if that made you uncomfortable." he said. I smiled at him. "Lee is jelly..." I said laughing but then stopping.

Taehyung looked at me and I looked at him. "What have we done? What have I done?" I said putting my hands on my head.

"What do you mean Mia?" he asked. Damn it was so attractive when he said my name in a sentence... no back on track. " We are going to have to pretend to be a couple now at school..."'I said trailing off.

"So?" he asked looking down. "I'm fine with that. Are you?" he asked. Oh yeah I'm totally fine just might get hurt. Ahh how am I so stupid.

I quickly nodded and continued walking with my hand in Taehyung's. His hands are big and they are so warm too.

We soon arrived at school where everyone would soon find out that me and Taehyung were a couple. Kat came running up to me and hugged me. "Are you okay with everything? Where are you staying? You can stay at mine." she said concerned.

She glanced over at Taehyung and me and then she spotted our hands interlocked with each other. She smiled then hugged us both.

"Congrats! You two are so cute together!" she said running off to tell everyone. I looked over at Taehyung and he looked at me smiling.

"You can let go now Tae Tae." I said waiting for him to let go. "Ohhh okay. " he said. We soon got harassed by half the people in our school bout our relationship.

We were both separated and we looked for each other. He soon found me and our eyes locked again.

He smiled at me and made his way over . "You know I'm a great friend helping you to make Lee jealous. " he said picking me up and spinning me around.

Friend. That word stung. I know it's not real relationship but it still hurts knowing that I have feelings for a guy that might not even like me back. If only it was something more than a friendship.

His eyes told me he wanted it to be more as well but I could be wrong.

It's not the first time isn't it....

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