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My name is Mia. I have always been that popular girl that everyone knows around school. I go to parties, I do girly stuff and date the wrong type of guys when it comes to that stuff. I just hate being that "perfect girl".

I get up from my bed on a Monday morning and sigh. I look at my phone and see so many notifications from Snapchat and messages that I got sent from the previous night.

I get up from my bed and get dressed into something comfortable like a hoodie and jeans. I heard my phone ringing and it was my best friend Kat.

"Hey Kat..." I answered in a sleepy voice while trying to brush my hair. All I could was excited squeals.

"There are like seven new boys coming to our school!!" she said. I paused. Great. "Oh cool yeah" I said while yawning. "Apparently they are really bad boys." she said. "Yeah well while your stuck dreaming about them I'm trying to maintain everything." I said sighing.

Kat sighed with me. "Well I'll see you at school." she said hanging up on me. I went out in to the kitchen to see that my parents had already gone to work. I grabbed an apple and off I went to school to catch my bus.

An hour later I had arrived at school to the excitement of Kat and the other five girls in my group. As to my suspicions they were all talking about the new guys.

I stood there nodding and agreeing with anything they were saying about these boys until I felt hands hugging around my waist. I turned and saw my boyfriend Lee. Doesn't this day just get better.

"Hey." he said kissing me on the cheek. I managed to fake a smile and be polite to him. "Hi Lee." I said.

Lee is not one of those sweet guys who hugs you, will be there when you cry he is one of those guys with a mask. Whenever my friends aren't there he treats me bad.

"Your not talking about those new guys are you?" he whispered into my ear. I shook my head. "Good because you have me and your going to be with me. Understand?" he asked. I nodded silently while he flirted with another girls and guys flirted with me.

I pushed them off and went to Kat. She looked at me and gave me 'do you want to talk' look. I nodded and left the group to talk to Kat.

"What's up?" she asked concerned. I looked at the ground. " He acts like he is nice but he ain't. He is always flirting with other girls and when you guys aren't around he treats me bad." I said as she listened.

"Lee is a bastard. Break up with him girl and if he hurts you I'll make sure he ends up against the wall hurt like what happened in Year Seven." she said  admiring that moment that happened all those years ago.

Yeah it happened before but with this other guy I can't quite remember the name of him anyway he hurt this girl and she pinned him up against the wall. Let's say he never wanted to see her again so he left.

We walked off to put our stuff in our lockers and collect what we needed for our lessons for the morning. "What do you have?" I asked Kat.

She smiled and giggled. "I miss out on both classes in the morning because I have to perform something for Year 9. What do you have?" she asked.

"Music and English." I said. She gasped and squealed. "OH MY GOSSH! Those new guys will be in your music class!"

"Wait how do you know?" I asked. She pulled out her phone and opened Snapchat to show me their names.

"I added them this morning and one of them...  ahhh hang on Jungkook is his name posted something saying music with these guys soon." she said showing me her phone with a photo of seven guys who look nice but I only got a glimpse of what they may look like.

"Did they add you?" she asked excitedly . I took out my phone and checked snap.

Seven new people added you.

"Yep and I added them all back." I said grinning. She stood there like an excited puppy begging for a treat.

I smiled and laughed. "I guess I have to give you details then?" I asked. She smiled and squealed yes.

She soon left me to go to her play and perform for the year nines. While I went off to role call.

I went to my role call class and didn't see any sign of any of the new boys who have supposedly started here.

I took out my phone and saw their nicknames on snap.

Rap Monster

It was hard to tell what their actual names I mean some were obvious nickname or whatever such as Rap Monster and V etc.

I felt a presence behind me and quickly put my phone away. It was Lee. "Have you been talking about those boys?" he asked me.

"Uh no. Why?" I asked. He hit my arm real hard and walked off. " I have warned you." he said.

My arm stung real bad so I pushed up my sleeves to reveal a red hand mark. Ouch. I pushed my sleeves down as my friends crowded around me and talked about anything and everything.

Soon our teacher Miss Smith opened the door and let us all in the room to get called for role. She stood up and looked around the classroom confused.

"Has anyone seen -"  she stopped and looked at the door entrance to see two confused boys who looked Korean.

"Uh sorry we are late." they said stepping in. "Ahh nice of yous to join us ?" Miss said allowing them in.

All of the girls in the class immediately fell in love with the boys who had just walked in and tried to get a spot next to one of them. None of the boys in our class had a chance of getting girlfriends.

"Where are your other friends?" she asked. They scratched the back of their necks and shrugged. " I think they are in other role call classes." one of them said.

"What are your names?" she asked. "Kim Taehyung." one of them said smirking and the other one said " My name is Jimin." he said.

Miss nodded. "Take a seat." she said gesturing towards me. I looked next to me at the seat that would've been Kats.

Taehyung walked over to the seat next to me and sat down smirking. I rolled my eyes great another one.

As soon as it ended I walked out of class to music where I would get to know the seven of those guys.

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