e l e v e n

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I woke up the next morning on the floor and found Taehyung sprawled out across the bed. This kid.

Taehyung woke up a little bit after me and he looked over at his side and called my name. "Mia.. mi mi?"'he asked. He looked down the side of the bed.

"Ahh found you. What are you doing down here?" he asked raising his right eyebrow with a smile.

"Just decided to sleep on the floor...nah you took the whole bed." I said then paused and I remembered he came in and hugged me while I slept. Here was the pedestrian opportunity to ask him.

"Wait what are you doing here anyway?" I asked looking at him wanting an answer.

"Well I just uh well..." he paused. "I was scared of my room..."he said looking at me.

I nodded but I don't think thats true. Oh well. "Ah I'm gonna get up I think.." I said getting up from the floor. I looked at Taehyung and he had a smirk on his face which made me suspicious of him.

As I got to the door I felt something thrown at me which was soft which hit my back. I turned and saw a pillow on the ground which I assumed hit me then looked at Taehyung.

"Sorry not sorry." he said jumping off his bed to hide. I waited a bit then picked up his pillow and threw it at him. "Owww.." he said jokingly as he got up onto his bed standing with a pillow in hand.

He grabbed my hand and helped me up. "Pillow fight time!" he said hitting me with a pillow continuously. "Ahh stop it.." I said giggling while hitting him.

He then got a massive pillow and picked it up and threw it at me. I moved back and back trying to avoid but I fell off the bed and landed on my arm.

"Owwwww....." I yelped in pain while holding my arm. Taehyung stopped and ran over to me. "Mi mi are you okay?! I'm sorry let me drive you to the hospital..." he said helping me up and guiding me out.

"I'm sorry.." he said. I nodded quickly but couldn't say much because I was still in pain.

A few hours later it was confirmed what I had.

"Well Mia it looks like you have broken your arm and you'll have to wear a cast for a few weeks." the doctor said leaving the room and letting us go.

We walked out and I could see that Taehyung was worried about me. "I wanna be the first to sign on your cast." he said smiling. I smiled back and got out a sharpie.

"Here..." I said handing it over to him. He gladly took it and wrote his name and message:

get better at your pillow fighting skills and get better too ~ tae

I looked up and smiled at him and lightly hit him. "I'll get better at both don't you worry." I said walking out with him.

We stood outside for a bit in the air and then decided to go home as it was getting cold.

"Well that was fun." he said driving while I looked out the window. "Haha yeah." I said looking over to him.

I started to feel a bit hungry so I decided to ask Taehyung to go and her something to eat.

"Hey Tae I'm hungry." I said begging him to get food. He looked over at me and smiled. "Sure." he said.

Soon we were at a fast food restaurant eating like hungry elephants. I was stuck into my food still eating while Taehyung patiently waited for me to finish my meal.

"Ahh are you done? Your such a slow eater." he said crossing his arms. I looked over at him and glared while Taehyung was on his phone.

Finally I finished it and Taehyung was happy. "Okay let's go!" I said getting up then getting pulled down. "Uh Mi you have something there.." he said pointing around my mouth.

I felt around oh yeah I do. Before I could wipe it Taehyung got a napkin and wiped my mouth for me.

"Thanks mum." I said jokingly to Taehyung while he laughed. " Cmon let's get out of here."

We got out of our seats and as we were walking towards the door I looked around and I saw a girl glaring at me and Taehyung. What's her problem?

As me and Taehyung walked out Taehyung could tell something was troubling me.

" Are you okay?" he asked stopping me. I nodded and continued to walk alongside. There was something about that girl I just didn't no what.

We hoped into the car and drove back to Taehyung's place in silence because we were both tired from the day we had.

All I was thinking about was that girl. Why was she staring at Taehyung like that?

I wanted to ask Taehyung my burning question about her but then again I didn't.

We soon arrived home finally and decided to sit on the lounge. It was quiet, not the awkward silence but the silence where you enjoy their company by absolutely doing nothing.

"Mia?" he broke the silence with my name. I responded and looked over at him. " What do you want?" I asked looking into his eyes.

"I just wanted to say thanks for being a great friend.." he simply said. " I think I should be thanking you. I mean you helped me get away from Lee. Thanks." I said smiling.

He smiled in return and pulled me next to me. I buried my head in his chest and I could hear his heart beat like crazy. I looked up at him and smiled while he looked down at me.

"You have something on your face." he said smiling. I immediately got up and tried to wipe my face but I didn't feel anything.

I looked at Taehyung but he was centimetres away from my face. Our eyes met again meanwhile I was lost for words. " .....there's nothing there.." I said still holding my eye contact with him while my cheeks went from cute pink to tomato.

" I know..." he said moving closer. I wanted to move back but I couldn't. Am I dreaming?

His lips crashed into mine and I was shocked but my lips danced in sync with his. We both pulled away and smiled. What happened? He kissed me! But why?

" But I don't want to be your friend anymore." he said going serious. My heart shattered and tears begin to form in my eyes. I get up to walk out but he doesn't stop me.

I turn to him and look at him. "Fine I see how it is." I said leaving as I slammed the door behind me. He used me..

I heard footsteps behind me running and then I felt someone put their arms around me then spun me around. I closed my eyes then I felt some hands cup my cheeks.

I opened my eyes and saw Taehyung smiling as tears streamed down my cheeks. "Shhh don't cry it's okay." he said pulling me in for hug while I tried to escape his grip. "LET GO KIM TAEHYUNG!" I screamed but he didn't.

"Listen Mia. I don't want to be your friend I want to be your boyfriend." he said wiping away my tears.

What? Is he playing me? I look into his eyes and they looked into mine. I then remember a flash back.

"Don't fall for me I don't want you to get too."

I snap out of it and look at him. " How can I trust you? Remember what you said don't fall for me blah blah blah. How can I?"I said in disbelief.

He nodded then answered me. "I love you Mia. I won't hurt and if I do well I'm stupid. But I promise to love you." he said running his hands through his hair.

A smile crept on to my face. "Love you too..." I said standing in the middle of the quiet street. "Cmon." he said taking my hand and walking off to his house.

All I hope is that I don't get hurt again and again.

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