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When I got home that afternoon my parents were still home which surprised me because they never were. I walked to the gate of my house and opened it. I knocked on the door and my father answered.

When he saw me he looked furious with me. "Get inside now."he sternly said as he pushed me. I sat on the lounge and they stood up and started talking to me about Lee and Taehyung.

"Lee called us today and said that you broke up with him for that Taehyung in your class. Is this true?" my mother asked.

"The only part that is true is that me and him broken up and I didn't break up for Taehyung I broke up for freedom instead of being monitored by Lee." I said arguing.

My parents shook their head. "Do you ever learn? they asked me. I went to get up and left them arguing.

"Get back together with Lee or else." I heard my mother say to me. I yelled back. "Why should I?" I asked.

"Because if you don't you will be kicked out." I heard my father say.

"Fine I'll just pack my bags then!" I said making a ratchet.

It was silent for a minute then for an hour. I stayed in my room the whole time packing my things. I looked around to see if I had forgotten anything.

Nope all in the bag. I put on my shoes and exited my room. I walked out and I saw my mother crying.

I walked over to her. "Look I think I have a right to have my own decisions instead of deciding for me. " I paused then I said "Which is why I am leaving?" I said.

After I said that she cried even more harder than before and then my father walked in. He looked at me so I walked out of the house.

I felt a hand on my shoulder I looked and it was my father. "I love you." he said. I pushed his hand away from me then I said. "Why are you letting me leave you then?" I said walking off.

It felt weird that I left my home that I had been in for those years. I had so may memories I left behind.

But if felt good being free but proud not the best time to leave home at night. Scary people come out at that time doing bad things others are okay and only coming back from dinner or a movie.

I walked along a sidewalk and got a text from Kat.

I heard you left home?! Want to come to my place?

I sighed. Why did my parents have to tell everyone?

I'm fine it's okay :)

It was getting cold and I started to shiver so I went inside a restaurant which I had money for.

I sat at the table and examined the menu so I didn't look lonely. People were with families, friends or partners than there was just me.

Pretty unusual for a popular girl right?

I sat there and took a drink of water. Then I received another text from someone.

Taehyung. My heart skipped at beat at the sight of his name.

You look lonely..

I looked around the restaurant but I couldn't see him. I looked through the window and I saw him there smiling and waving.

I smiled and waved trying hard not to blush while he came inside. "Well I only saw you a few hours ago.." he said sitting himself down.

I weakly smiled. He looked at me trying to see through me. "What are you doing here alone anyway?" he asked.

I sighed. " Do you wanna here the long story or short story?" I asked. He thought for a second then decided to tell me.

"Short story." I nodded then told him. "I told my parents what Lee did and said that I broke up with them and that you helped me. So here I am." I said.

Taehyung looked at me. "Do your parents like me?" he asked. I shook my head. "No because Lee talked shit bout you to them and they believed it."

He then sighed. " But I'm sweet and..." he said looking at me smirking. "Cute." I said laughing.

We both sat there staring off into space just enjoying each other's company. We both smiled every time our eyes met except I went the extra mile and blushed.

Stop it Mia...

"Well I should be going." I said exiting the restaurant. Taehyung followed after me. "Thanks for being there for me." I said walking off with my bag of stuff. He stood there smiling for a second then moved.

He then grabbed onto my wrist then he held my hand. I looked down at his hand locked with mine. I blushed a little then looked at him.

He was smiling. "Well you need someone to protect you from them people who call themselves humans.... they are actually aliens." he said winking.

I laughed. "I think I can mange."
I said trying to let go of his hand but he just wouldn't allow it.

"Nooo you have to walk with me so I know your safe." he said. I soon gave in to him.

"Fiiiinnnneeee." I said. He looked at me then smiled. "Get on my back I'll give you a piggy back." he said.

I liked the idea of that so I hopped on his back and laughed. " I'm sorry if I'm heavy.." I said.

He smiled. "Your not heavy but your bag is." he said chucking a laugh. He soon ran through the streets with me on his back and people were looking at us.

He soon slowed down and a familiar figure approached us. It got closer and closer than we saw Jungkook.

"Hey guys!" he said coming over and looking at us strangely because I was on Taehyungs back.

"What you doing up there Mia?" He said looking up. I quickly fell down because Taehyung dropped me.

" Owww." I said as I looked at my hand. They both came over to me and sat beside me. " Tae Tae." I said crossing my arms.

Jungkook started to giggle. We both turned and looked at him to see what was so amusing.

" Ahh nothing you two are just cute together that's all." he said. We both looked at Jungkook and glared.

"What? It's true look at you's?" he said. "I have to go. Band practice at yours tommorrow Taehyung?" he asked. Taehyung nodded.

"4pm." Jungkook nodded and continued to walk. It was just me and Taehyung now.

"Tae Tae my hand is bleeding bad." I said looking at it while blood runned down. "Come back to my house and I'll clean it up." he said helping me up.

We walked along quiet streets and small alleyways just to get to his house. It was only a short walk so it wasn't that far.

We got to the front of his house and he opened the door for me while he waited for me to go inside. I looked around and saw a lot of soft toys.


He soon lead me to the kitchen where he had bandages in a nice pile. "Mia pass me your hand." he said with his hand out. I did as he asked while I took a seat.

Soon enough my wound was bandaged and I was set to continue my journey. "Thanks for that Tae Tae." I said picking up my stuff.

He looked at me confused. "Where are you going?" he asked me. I shrugged my shoulders at him.

He came over to me and looked at me. "You can't go out there now you don't know who is out there." he said. I nodded.

"You can stay here..." he said. I smiled up at him and hugged him. "Your a great friend." I said. I stepped away then hugged a soft toy he had on the floor trying to hard to hide my blushing.

He sat down next to me and put on a movie for us to watch. I watched it for a bit then felt a bit sleepy.

He called out to me but I pretended to be sleep. I felt him pick me up and put me on a bed then a blanket on top.

"Why did you have to be so pretty. Sweet dreams?" He said exiting and closing the door.

Did he just say what I think he said.

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