t w e l v e

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Taehyung's POV

I took Mia's hand and walked her back to my house. Her face was stained with tears still after I made her cry. It made my heartbreak to see her cry all alone I know how it feels...

Although I'm happy now. She said yes to be my girlfriend which made me incredibly happy.

I have had feelings for her ever since we met. When I saw that she had a boyfriend I must admit I was jealous but then I saw the way that he treated her and it reminded me of my old self.

I never treated my ex- girlfriend Miyoung with love or let alone anyone. I never let anyone into my life. Every time she wanted to meet up with me I would lie to her and date other's behind her back and then accuse her of doing what I had been doing.

She did find out and she was heartbroken. Everyday she would sit alone and cry and every time I saw her cry I regret everything I did so to escape reality I left and the rest followed.

I don't want to hurt Mia. She has been through enough already. I look over at her and she is deep in thought. What is she thinking about?

We soon arrive at the door. "Finally here." I said smiling down at her. She smiled back up.

"Actually I might go to Kat's house for a bit is that okay?" she asked looking at me for approval. I raised an eye not at her. "Did I do something?"

She shook her head. "No, no I just want to tell her the news." she said smiling. I smiled back and nodded.

Just as she was about to go I grabbed her wrist and she turned. "What?" she asked giggling. "Hug me before you go.." I said then feeling her embrace. My heart only beats for her and when I'm with her.

"See ya Tae!" she said running off to Kats house. I waved then let myself inside. I sighed and sat myself down on the lounge and decided to watch TV. It was so boring without Mia here.

I looked over and saw my phone calling my name not literally though so I got up and grabbed it.

10 missed messages from bts group chat

I sighed then decided to send a message to Mia.

I miss you when are you coming back? ❤️😘

Send! I decided to check my group chat as well since I had 10 missed messages.

Suga: I'm bored wanna meet up?
Rap Monster: okay where?
Jin: Cool what about a cafe or something?
Suga: okay
Jimin: nice me and jungkook will make out way
Rap Monster. Yeah I will tell J-hope since he is here.
Jin: anyone with Taehyung?
Suga: nah
Jimin: same
Rap Monster: yeah he's not here with me. If your reading Taehyung we going to cafe meet you there

I began to type to tell them I'm on my way.

Taehyung:On my way! Got news..

I picked up my stuff and exited the house and began walking to the cafe with a smile on my face. It's not usual to see me with a smile so it was a good day.

I walked across streets and foot paths to get where I needed to be. To make sure I was in the right cafe I looked through the glass window and saw the boys there.

I entered and saw them siting there quietly and smiling. Hmm strange?

"Hey guys!" I said walking in and sitting myself next to Jungkook. They all greeted me and had our own crazy conversations.

After ten minutes of sitting there I decided to announce the big news. "Umm... I have news like I stated before." I began with them all looking at me. "I'm dating Mia." I said but they all looked confused and started to laugh.

"Duh you don't say." said Suga. I sighed and shook my head. I haven't told them the story about Lee.

"Okay its about time I tell the truth.." I said annoyed. " You know Lee well he came across us the other morning together and he thought we were dating so I went along with it. Anyway he asked for proof so we kissed. And then everyone thought we were dating.." I paused.

I looked around at their faces. "Continue." J-Hope said as he was interested. "So then I realised I had feelings for her for a long time and I decided to confess to her today and now we are a couple." I said smiling in the awkward quiet atmosphere.

It was quiet for a second then they all started to congratulate me. "Congrats I knew you two would go out!"said Jimin.

I smiled but then they started to ask questions. "Are you ready to date again after.. you know Miyoung?" asked Jungkook. I nodded.

"What if you hurt Mia?" asked Rap Monster. "I won't!" I said. "I regret everything.." I said finally.

It soon got into a heated argument between all of them. "You'll probably just end up hurting her again so what's the point." I heard Suga say. I began to well up with tears in my eyes and got up and left. "Look what you did Suga..." I heard Jimin say as I left the building.

I walked along the streets trying to hold back tears and trying to find a quiet place to sit.

I eventually found a seat and sat down with my hands wiping tears from my face.

"Taehyung! V!" I heard a voice call my name and I turned and saw Jimin. What does he want? I thought.

"Just go." I said coldly. Jimin sighed and sat next to me. We sat for a bit in quiet while tears streamed down my face slowly.

"Suga is probably right I'll probably end up hurting her like Miyoung.." I said as I sniffed. Jimin hugged me.
"Don't listen to him. If you love her then you won't hurt her and I know you won't okay? Suga is just Suga."

I nodded. Jimin was a good friend in these situations that's why everyone loves him. "Do you wanna come back?" he asked me.

I shook my head. " No. I'll go home now." I said getting up and leaving Jimin.

I took out my phone and saw that I had a message from Mia.

I'm home now but where are you? Love you - 12 minutes ago

I decided to call her to tell her where I was. Ring. Ring.

"Hello!" I heard her voice which was a sigh of relief.

"Hi! I'm coming home now I was just at the cafe with the boys." I said.

I could feel her smile through the other line. "Okay love you Tae."

"Love you too Mi." I said as she hung up.

I then walked my way home through the sunset thinking of two people.

Mia and Miyoung.

lost| k. taehyungDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora