Chapter 6 - Will they hit me?

Start from the beginning

“I haven’t been able to drink any blood for nearly three hundred years, drinking for the first time again is changing them.” He nodded at me. I felt uneasy at the image my mind produced. The thought of him, most likely drinking the blood from a beautiful women. I could feel his eyes on my heated face and I turned from him to look at the clock.

It was just gone nine, that’s why mum was asking if I didn't feel well.

“So if you are not going to school, what are you going to do for the day?” I looked back at Carlisle, I’m glad he changed the subject. I didn't want to know.

“Erm, well its early so nothing for a bit. Feel weird, so I’m just going to stay in bed. Might go out shopping later. What about you?” I had no clue what I was going to do, I was hoping to sleep all day. But now I am becoming more, and more awake. So it looks like that won’t happen.

“I was hoping to spend some time with you. If that’s okay that is? I can go? I don’t mind. I just-” He was rambling. Was he nervous around me like I was around him? “It’s fine. I would like that.” I smiled at him lightly.

It turns out he was taking into consideration what I said yesterday before I collapsed. Which apparently worried him tremendously. That’s why he stayed, listening to my breathing and heart beat reassured him. Apparently sometimes my heart skips a beat, it isn’t as accurate as it should be. That was something I found weird.

He tried his hardest all day to not mention the fact he was a Vampire, but it did remind me when he got confused about something that is so new. He wanted me to know him as a man, not a vampire. Just like I said.

His favourite colour was gold, no surprise. He was always around gold, he liked ruby a lot. I began to learn new things about him, habits he possessed. How he thought about what this time was like. He wasn’t too keen about the fact people hardly wear clothes, makeup, the everyone not getting married till they are like thirty. He had so much opinion.

“What was the average age for a woman to have a baby, during the time you were around?” I asked. He seemed confused by the question. “Erm, most people got married at sixteen so between the ages of sixteen to eighteen. Possibly twenty. Why?” That young? I was quite shocked.

“There was a girl who got pregnant at sixteen. She was bullied, and moved school and town. It is an embarrassment if you get pregnant before twenty two possibly. No one ever has a baby before twenty five here anymore.” He was shocked.

That was horribly that was. I think her name was Katie, her mum kicked her out, her boyfriend left her, she was bullied and everything. I thought I would be nice one time, I remember going to her house. She stopped turning up for school as she hit the fifth month. She couldn't take the name calling anymore, she lived in a small motel while attempting to sort a house from the council as well as her relationship with her mother.

I turned up at her house and she was surprised to see me, she didn't know my name. I didn't blame her, I didn't know hers. I brought the baby some unisex baby grows seeing as we didn't know the sex of the baby. One was white with ‘Mummy’s little one’ scrawled in red. The other two were plain. One light blue, one light pink.

Also a small winnie the pooh teddy, small pair of white socks, white mittens, a pot of SMA milk with a bottle, pack of dummies and a bag of nappies for a newborn baby. She started to cry when I handed her the hamper. I may of gone all out, but I did work at mother care and got forty percent of. I felt like she deserved something nice though.

We sat and talked after that. I went to the hospital after she had the baby, it was a little girl called Ellie. She used to call me Ellie from Elora. She was so different from everyone else. She had a different name for me and I didn't mind. She’s doing well.  Balancing life. I still talk to her frequently.

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