Chapter 14

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I change the next morning and walk downstairs to see Zeke the only one awake

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I change the next morning and walk downstairs to see Zeke the only one awake. I see he's making pancakes and waffles and I smile, as they're my favourites. I walk over and start cutting bananas and strawberries. 

"Morning." I say and he smiles.

"Morning...So, what were you and Archer talking about last night?" He asks with a goody, suggestive grin on his face.

"About this girls he's talking too. Charlotte, he seems to really like her. He's been asking me for advice on how to win her over, I told him to basically stop being a dick." I comment and I see his face drop.

"I could've sworn he had a thing for you. I mean the signs are clearly there." He says.

"Maybe you've misread them." I answer and he shakes his head.

"No, because you've been giving off those vibes to!" I exclaims and I go to protest but he continues. "You act different with Archer, compared to other guys. Everyone can tell you two like each other."

"I will admit, he's grown on me. But it would never work, I mean we're so different." I comment.

"What's different? You both say it how it is, you both equally get in trouble, your just a little more mature." He says and I roll my eyes. "If you like him, you should go for it." 

"Nope, not happening it would never work, we would fight all the time and it would end ugly." I say and he shakes his head. "Besides, he seems to have a good thing going with Charlotte and I am not getting between that." 

"Coincidence that Charlotte and Channing, both start with C.H.A?" He asks.

"Only you would notice that." I say and he goes to say something else, but everyone starts coming out of their room and down the stairs. 

"DO I SMELL PANCAKES AND WAFFLES?!" Morgan yells and races into the kitchen trying to grab them, however I hit him round the head and he jumps back. "OWWW!" 

"Wait!" I warn him pointing my finger at him and he pouts before walking over and sitting at the table. I cautiously put the food on the table and I see all their faces change from excitement to desperation. I smirk making them wait a few extra minutes and finally Derek cracks.


"Fine...Go ahead." And like a bolt of lightning, the food is being devoured. I shake my head and take a seat, managing to get a pancake and some fruit to put on it. We all make small talk at the table and finally Tessa suggests we all go to the little town 10 minutes away. We all grab our bags and I put Buster's lead on and we walk down to the town.

I find a small jewellery shop and look at all the different things they have. I finally catch a necklace and examine it. The woman who I assume runs the shop smiles.

 The woman who I assume runs the shop smiles

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"You have good taste." She compliments and I slightly laugh.

"You are the first person to ever say that." I respond which makes her laugh. "How much?" I ask.

"For you, £10." She says.

"But I just saw the label and it says 20?" I ask.

"You seem like a nice girl and I like to do things for nice people. Please except the offer." She says I smile, handing her the money.

"Thank you." I say and she smiles. 

"Oh and also, while your here, I may have something else you might like, on the house." She says walking around and over the some crystals and gemstones. She picks out a silver one and hands it to me. "This is Zircon, it's supposed to help with love, healing, peace, beauty, something you already are might I add, but I feel you lack self esteem and this will help." She says handing it too me. 

"Thank you." I say once again. "So, I just carry it around with me?" I ask and she nods. The door opens and I see Tessa.

"Hey Chan, we're going." She says and I nod letting her know I'm coming.

"Thank you again." I say one last time.

"Absolutely, I hope you enjoy your stay." She says and I nod.

"Thank you. Bye." I say walking out the door. I look at the stone and place it in my bag. I look down at Buster who is wagging his tail, looking up at me and I smile walking towards the others. "Are we ready to go?" I ask and they all nod and we head back to the cabin. 

"Nice necklace." Archer says coming up next to me.

"Thanks." I answer.

"So, I was wondering whether I could get your help on something again?" He asks and I nod.

"Sure." I answer.

"So, I want to do something nice for Charlotte, however she isn't into all this fancy restaurant stuff and since you don't seem interested in that stuff either, I was hoping you could give me some suggestions?" He asks.

"Hmm. Something original, but not over the top, it has to come from the heart and nothing cliche, in my opinion cliches are the worst and if we're similar she'll agree. I don't know, how about you invite her up here, take her on a hike and have a picnic and just do fun stuff, make a day of it." I suggest and he nods.

"Yeah, I like that. Thanks." He says and I nod, letting him know it's fine. "What were you and Zeke talking about this morning, you seemed like you were having a serious conversation?" He asks.

"Some guy Zeke dated a few years ago is back in the picture. I think he's a total arse and Zeke should run while he still can since he hurt him, but Zeke holds onto emotions, so it isn't that easy for him." I lie smoothly.

"Oh, well I hope it all works itself out." He says sincerely and I nod.

"Yeah me too, I can't afford to get suspended again." I say and he laughs. "I'm not kidding, I punched him when I found out he cheated in Zeke, I got suspended for a week." 

"Wait are we talking about Jensen Carmichael?" He asks and I nod my head. "Wow! That was you who broke his jaw?!" He exclaims.

"Damn straight it was." I comment and he laughs harder. I look over and see everyone watching us, however when they see me they all turn away. 

When Opposites Collide (Formally Bad Boy and The Tomboy)Where stories live. Discover now